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  • Probably should have specified Tier I gym leaders; didn't bother to look at the rest.

    FMC would be... Crystal League?
    Why do none of the new gym leaders have PBR? I demand that you do something about this at once.
    Okay, I'll take a look at it tomorrow (i.e. later today). Roommates have distracted me out of my internet time.
    I wasn't sure of that myself, actually. I thought you said you were going to repost it? Or *did* you repost it and I missed that?
    No, but major events tend to cut across timelines pretty haphazardly. Lindsey would probably leave the city on some errand, return and find it a smoldering ruin and be all "wtf" about it.

    Though this city needs to do something other than burn down... getting flooded or frozen over would be more interesting.
    Heh, no problem. Like I said, thunderbolt underwater was not the wisest decision I've ever made...
    Can't you ask them to turn it down a bit, at least, or move to a different spot? ...Then again, I'd wager you've probably tried that. :|

    If you'd like, I could (try to) beat her in that tournament battle for you. :P Or the clefairy-bomb works just fine!
    No, she's sent them in. And I'm really sorry for taking so long, but with badminton camp and my violin exam out of the way, I don't think it's going to take so long now.

    I'm taking pills for my hands now, and it's keeping the worst of the pains away, but for it to really work I need calcium - which sucks because I'm kind of lactose intolerant. So I have to take several days to type a reffing. Thanks for asking, though. :)
    ...Really? xD Maybe it's because my brain automatically says that Vi=short for Violet=girl's name therefore Vi is female.
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