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  • First one's a compsognathus with a pickaxe blade for its top jaw, iron tail point, and stubby blade-leaf arms. Second's a raptor-compsognathus with larger arm things and axe blades for toes and a pickaxe blade on tops of its jaw and another half of one for its bottom jaw and a longer, sharper one for a tail tip. Third one's this dude.
    So I was trying to play the EOC tower game, right, to see if you'd gotten outrage fixed okay, and now it crashes immediately at the beginning of each battle set; the opponent sends out, I send out, and then it gives some kind of fatal error that mentions "MACHOBRACE." None of my pokémon were holding a macho brace and it seems weird that the opposing pokémon would randomly get generated with a macho brace, but nevertheless it dies immediately at that point.
    Oops, looks like I didn't notice a couple of the threads there. (And completely forgot that Shadow Serenity used to be a GL. Derp.)

    If you need another T3, then sure, I'll take my gym back when/if I get my DS working with Wi-Fi again. My brother and I have talked about a plan for securing internet when we're on break, so hopefully I shouldn't have as many drops into total internetlessness in the future.
    Wouldn't help you much with your Tier I absences, and I thought all the old GL's were removed?
    Well, I was joking. I can temp for you in Chrome if/when I get my Wi-Fi working again, and I had most of a Crystal team made up as well although I don't remember at all where I was going with it at the moment.
    Looks like it's time to start up another tournament to drum up some more GL's. =/
    Like I said, that and I have this wierd phobia of offending someone with something I say.

    Wierd I know.
    Well I did not know if you would find it offensive or not.

    I know some people who get offended if you say Hi the wrong way.
    Hmm. A pity it will take me a while to finish up my fun team. But if I get particularly bored one weekend, perhaps I'll be coming after you anyway. :P
    Don't take what I said in your concert thread offensively. I am shocked as most. I still believe it not.
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