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  • Good point. I originally included Roulette because I was going to limit Doom to one usage, before I realised that since the Blue Mage would have only one ability, just one Doom would make it pretty weak compared to, say, the Ninja and nobody would go for that, so I changed it to unlimited without realising that made Roulette obsolete.

    In the series Doom kills players after a set number of turns, so maybe it can kill a player the night after being commanded instead? Thanks for pointing that out, anyway.
    We could also give the third place a choice between one of the three.
    Ah, I see.

    Well, which one would you offer up as a prize? Maybe there's one that's particularly hard to get somebody to take away or something.
    I go to school year-round, so I have shorter, more frequent breaks.

    We could, although I've really only been *giving* them away lately so as to avoid spending money on presents. Still, I guess that's not a bad idea.
    You had vacations up until know? I was already back to school in August.

    Well, I don't really mind the wait. So, you have those Pokémon that you're having trouble getting rid of, right? We could make one of them a third place prize.
    So, I'm thinking about making a Metronome Contest in the ASB, and I need a secondary judge. Would you be willing to do that?
    /This is a late response curse my forgetfulness
    But good to hear :3c And thank you~
    (I thought you might appreciate that one, hehe)

    Oh, and as an aside, you're pretty much my hero for listing the music mats on that favourites meme. :'3c They're pretty much in a super-close second next to the trap mats in my opinion, but that's just because I like being a tricksy gremlin to my friends which may or may not be a good thing /anyway/ dammit Gamefreak you were SO CLOSE where did our bases go. :C
    (Also DAT MORTY <3 )
    Gahh. I meant to do that, but then my mom made me get off, and I spaced it. :C
    Well I'm not picky about what tier I'm in, if you need second I can do second.

    As for videos.. lesse..

    This is still my favourite, a weather battle against a friend of mine - recorded on his side since Youtube killed the audio on my side.
    Then there are a few gym matches from my run as the Ghost leader on another site, 1 2 (I've just noticed the name of the person I'm facing in this one too.. <w< No relation I assume) 3
    There's also one from a temporary fill-in as the Grass leader.
    I've also some experience in Doubles, Ubers and Little Cup.
    Oh.. well, that makes things a bit simpler. I'm used to a 3/3 mono-ratio, actually, so I'll probably stick to that, but it /does/ give me the option to throw some Trick Room teams into the mix without guaranteed massive dark weaks, not to mention swapping to Bug occasionally. :3
    Mm.. well, I'm pretty hooked into this as it is, so I guess I'll ask what I'd be doing stepping into the league? I know I skipped the tournament and noone on TCoD has actually battled me, so I don't really have an alibi to experience, but I could at least provide some old recorded matches? If you need it, anyway. (I think you said your wifi was very unreliable, so actually facing you wouldn't be ideal? )
    Hmm... yeah, I'm not completely sure. I did strongly consider it around tourney time, but the general stagnation of the metagame put me off. Still, it's tempting to reserve the spot, so to speak, because as I said, gen 5's meta has me very excited.. Well, let me ask, is Ghost and/or Bug available? Ehehe~
    The other concern, though, is that come the end of the year (December or so) I have a planned big move, and it'll put a big gap in my wifi and possibly even internet access. By Spring I should certainly have wifi up again, but it depends if this would be a problem.
    So.. I've got what's probably a bit of a derpy question, but do you still have gym spots in Chrome? ...Well, particularly, will you after B/W is released in English. (Albeit, if needed, I should be able to tweak my WiFi right away, but I'm assuming that's not the case. :V )
    yeeeeah, there was the gym tourney, but with no 5th gen info and 4th gen wearing veeeery thin on me (ZapTranZorMence WHY.) I decided against that. Of course, since you /never/ quit Pokemon (and that Gamefreak looks to have legitimately made efforts to balance and diversify the game) I'm suddenly very interested again.
    I guess I'm mostly asking because I know the tourney turnout was.. in fact less than what filled the gyms. But, I'm not the only one who's all GET HYPE over 5th gen either, so that could go either way. I'm unsure if you planned to have another placement tournament, in which case this little ramble is mostly invalid; but if you weren't, I'd be quite open for the new roster. Just figured I'd put the question out there.
    I'll be doing my reffings tomorrow, but I thought I'd tell you so that you'd know beforehand; no, completely missed the berry, and yeah sure I'll take it into account unless CL has any objections.

    Also, a faceless badger is staring at me from the right side of the page. Halp.

    It's a bush-raccoon. With twigs for a skeletal structure and stuff and has berries for eyes and a nose.

    Then something happens. It gets big and can walk on its hind legs. It darkens in tone.

    Then it loses its berry eyes and becomes black and dark and fully bipedal. And mean.
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