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  • do you know how awesome you are? because you are quite awesome!

    ... oh hey! I don't suppose you have nick-changing powers? :O speaking of powers you also have the grand see-invisible power! I don't think I can... welp, the only real things I can do are 1 see mod boards, 2 approve html sigs, 3 edit tags?? woo.

    you know what? I don't think I've ever clicked your homepage. it's the name that put me off the idea. but I have now! ... vaguely clicking through the pages now, but I have a presentation to finish and give in the next. five hours. so I shall save it for later! o/
    *Falls over* Yes- Yes those little birdies have me down, for sure. I'll be in my fangirl dome for awhile (likely covered in SPIDARS <3 ).

    ((Seriously cutest thing EVER <3 Finally an excuse to be that weird insect lady. NOONE DON'T LIKE BACHI~ ))
    Oooohh, fff, yeah I didn't remember what you had posted as the arena back then. Yeah, that'll work fine though. Sketchpad might scare refs away anyway. I'm mostly looking for an excuse to take my evolved mons for a spin (not to mention I apparently enjoy committing ASB suicide against all the best players~). Would you care to make it, then?

    (Aah yes, eventually. I've heard good things from others too, I just have to work out a looooong list of to-play games after moving costs and all that.)
    Hmm.. well.. the arena you used with Blazhy is based off ToS2, correct?.. I haven't actually had the chance to play that yet. :C (/Lame, I know, especially considering ToS1 is one of my favourite games to begin with) But I'd probably be quite the fish out of water there. (...No pun intended) So, unless you prefer to get that Spinda out (though I do want to see that eventually, ehehehe) Sketchpad seems like a good enough choice. (Plus, I adore your drawings and doodles and such :3) ((itt I use FAR TOO MANY parenthesis)
    They couldn't pay her, apparently.

    I'm not a computer programmer, so I would have difficulty doing whatever it was they wanted of her in any case. Assuming it was non-basic stuff.

    Meanwhile, you're going to be graduating soon too, right? Looking for jobs?
    I'm not much a one for concrete plans, but I've always thought neurobiology was fascinating, so at the moment I'm thinking it'd be pretty cool to design cellular networks for things like custom biological/machine interfaces. Brain/machine interface was what I wanted to go into when I was planning to do neurobiology. (I can't believe Butterfree got offered a position at a company making video games you control with your mind and turned it down.)

    I don't think anybody is doing anything like that right now, and it's probably too far off technologically to be thinking about right now, but that's what I'm putting in all my statements of purpose.
    Just like that, yup. Although you can make a ton more things with it, of course.
    Tomorrow I might have some extra time I could look into sorting that out.

    Systems or computational biology (different programs call it different things, but it's pretty much the same) with the intent of specializing in syntehtic biology.
    Heh, true, you can never tell though. s: You would think some good senseless destruction would draw refs, but some really interesting matches get left in the dust while ones you figure would never get attention get picked out. Worth a try though. I didn't really have an arena in mind if we did standard, besides possibly Sketchpad, which is all kinds of crazy, but you probably have better ideas than me anyway.

    And hurk :c Yeah, I've talked to Vixie a bit, I understand why she wouldn't be too active there. I haven't heard from her lately myself, though.. hope she's okay, at least...
    But anyway, thank you for that~
    Yeah, go for it. And I imagine the review board would just be mods, or anyone deemed trustworthy in approving characters.

    I want to come back to Kutho. ;-; Probably not for another couple of weeks, though. Grad school apssssss *fistshake*
    Say.. awhile ago I remember you making a challenge in ASB for someone who could put some fully-evolved Pokes onto the field.. I couldn't take it at the time, but I was wondering if you still might be interested in such a thing, considering I now have 3 evolved and a single-stage powerhouse on my hands, I'd quite like to see some large scale destruction go down. :3c (Heck, maybe even a drunkmatch if you preferred, because unleashing a 15 metre murderbeast hopped up vodka upon an unsuspecting town is unending fun for the whole family)
    I wanted to go for a classic feel. Starter evos as mascots, 151 new pokemon, no world-dominating legendaries, a fire/ice/lightning trio...

    Pokemon DarkForest and FistTorch.
    That is odd. I could have sworn I saw you just a few days ago as 'call me it' o.< maybe your usertitle confused me.

    ... thanks for joining mafia! 83 so would you like to be doctor or killed off first this time around? or both! :D
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