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  • I won't wish you a happy birthday just so you can pretend that you're not magically another year older than before.

    I'll still throw confetti at you though! And give you imaginary cake.
    Happy birthday! I hope you get out from whatever's been keeping you off the internet and relax a bit more soon.

    What sort of ASB gift would you like? Any particular kind of pokémon or item? Another silly signature move-based gift? A rare candy? Something else?
    Since I'm not going to be on tomorrow, I wanted to wish you an early Happy Birthday. So, yeah. Happy Birthday. :)
    So, the other day, I was taking a look at your fakedex when I noticed Encanoto's name origin.

    Can I nitpick about how neither encantado nor boto are regional names for the Amazon river dolphin?
    Well, I suppose gradually building up the hours is really the best way to do it. It'll be too overwhelming otherwise, I imagine. I found that with my job. Overwhelmed by long days of tedious jobs. :P
    It's fine, really. :x
    Freelancing sounds a lot more awesome than it probably is. Of course, I'm not exactly sure what's involved in your line of work, so I don't know whether there are more sustainable job options than now. It'd be great if you could get something though. :)
    I imagine my own laptop would be a somewhat liberating experience! Maybe not as much as buying a house or car but, it's somewhere on the scale, I hope.

    Web design sounds quite fun. I'm not sure it's necessarily something I could do personally though; been interested in doing veterinary science for far too long! Anything to get your name out there would be a good idea, yes. So long as you have something to show that you're willing and committed then I'm pretty sure that people would be more interested than hiring you than not! Will it be your first job?
    Retail is shit. I just like the shoes by comparison to the other bits. Customers are horrible! I am a brave soul and I can take it, though. :P

    I should probably gain money and then go out and mess around with a couple of laptops. I currently share with my sister. I'd need to find a way of transferring all of the programmes and saved files from one laptop to the other, though. I'll make sure the other, old laptop gets fixed so that she can have it to herself, though. Then I can use my laptop for whatever I want to use it for and will be able to customise it without being yelled at for messing with settings. :P

    What kind of job are you looking for?
    I'd give it back after I was finished! Honest! :D

    My job pays £6.25 per hour and it's only a simple shelf-stacking type thing. I get to operate the tills though. Yesterday I was in charge of dealing with the entire shoes section. It was a mess so I spent 3 hours cleaning it. Although I don't really have an interest in clothes, I quite like doing the shoes. I still think that I'd be better suited to sheep herding or something, though. :P
    I work for 6 hours per week due to having to revise for a maths exam but, on £6.25 per hour, I'm still earning just over £130 this month.

    Hm, I have no idea how old my laptop is but, it looks old and square. I'm assuming it's at least two years old? I don't think I could type on a netbook! The keys look so tiny and I'm too adjusted to typing on a full sized keyboard. Do you think you'd do art on your little netbook? :x
    If you're not going to play Twilight Princess, then could I have it? :x
    I jest! I found Spirit Tracks really... easy. OoT and MM I had to use walkthroughs for certain points. I had to use it for Phantom Hourglass at two points, also. Spirit Tracks is fun but I've been able to solve every puzzle on my own without even needing to think about 80% of them.

    I really want a new laptop with... good specifications! I am probably going to save for one with the money I am earning very slowly with my jop at the department shop! :x
    My gifts were pleasant. I got a ton of nice stuff from my friends. My family's choice of gifts was questionable by comparison. :P
    (Evidently my family know me a lot less well than my friends do? Maybe I should be less surprised.)

    I got a couple of interesting things including LoZ: Spirit Tracks, a DVD with Harry Hill on it and some other bits and bobs which were either mildly amusing, clothing or chocolate. What kind of interesting stuff are you intending to get? :D
    Hehe. Yeah, the entirety of the south of England comes to a stand still when there are a couple of centimetres of snow. Apparently, the government/grit planners haven't worked out that the majority of people don't live down the main roads which they grit. They live down the small back streets in residential areas down slopes which are impossible to get up in cars. We're clever! :D

    I had a relatively boring holiday. I got a part time job in a department shop in the town centre which essentially ate all of my free time. Now I am just revising maths for a retake of an exam. (I need 10 more marks out of a total 600 to change my overall grade). Did you get any interesting gifts?
    HURFFFF, party sprites. >l ughhh I forget them they don't even have a use yet do you even know what boss lady wants to do with them? D: either way NOW Atomole should be good to go. (and <3 for Frizard. Now I have two more ideas cooking so I'm still in that challenge running, ehehehe. >:3c )
    But anyway don't worry about delays, I know exactly how it is. Going to write up my gym form soon though, just need to name things, why am I awful at that.
    And don't worry, I've got moony on constant personal call by default, she's basically Cherry's unofficial sister so I get to bug her lots and lots in-law style. Kekeke.
    Hello, sir! How are you doing? We haven't had a conversation in an age so I thought I may just leave a message and see what happens. How was your christmas/new years?
    Aye, I heard it wasn't so great.. but I've got some nostalgia goggles to go with CitH. :c Eh, maybe some day. (but probably not.)

    Ah the laments of a 'crafty' gifter. Cheeky move there, ehehe... fff, only reason I thought of Washibon is she mentioned it so much, since we obviously talk quite a lot. But then, who doesn't. AMERICA: THE BIRD. (but I win the naming competition. :Bc )

    Oh, as an aside, do you mind if I ask what ever happened with the league setup?... at this point, it probably doesn't even matter, since 5th gen in English is right around the corner, anyway.
    Also - and I must be sounding like a major bother by now, but do you have time to swing by a dex registry? Atomole got its other sprite, so it should be good to go. I also ganked Feurisdesche's Magma Storm, no need to curfuffle with that, especially with the aforementioned 5th gen - Purgatory should suit all my fiery destruction needs. Mostly asking though since Cherry wanted to have a fake-only match for months now and I'm all 'hnrrr but my mooooole :C and my leeeezard'
    Ahahaha, well that works for me! :3c ...Ohgeez I didn't even notice he was a boy, perhaps I hit the holiday schnapps a little /too/ hard. I should really watch more movies, too, I didn't know Ben's either.. I don't know why I kept it, but it's stuck, so~

    ...As an aside, /HURF/ D: of all the things I could have picked out Cherry I got a repeat anyway. Fffff, so much for my ~clever planning~. I had even looked around to see if anyone liable to gift her got her one. ;-; Gah, I am such a gifter fail - but then, seems we're in the same boat there. But I could only afford three gifts, and another one was literally an /identical/ copy of something someone else got.
    ...there's got to be a reference I'm missing that I'll hate myself for missing at Susan the Kakuna (Unless I named her Anthony after evolution- *MURDERED*), but even in my haze of derp I keep giggling like a prat at her for some reason. :B just figured you should know.
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