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  • I didn't say anything about discussion, just that they would abstain.

    I didn't figure on Kam painting the exact same target on himself that I was going to paint on me, though. Too bad it looks like he couldn't pull it off. Innocents' loss, I suppose!
    Yeah, whoops. Guess I'm blind again today. Been staring at the screen too long. Derp.
    On the first day? Everybody's just going to abstain! Since I won't get a chance to put my totally awesome first-day strategy into play. >:(

    I was amused by my apparent gender-confusion, though ("the boy lying... surely she wouldn't just...).
    I MISSED EVERYTHING of course. The best timing, I have it.

    These updates are the best thing ever. In general it is pretty awesome to be describing the past week's worth of updates as the best thing ever every single week. But Homestuck exists in some bizarre alternate reality where this somehow makes sense.
    Well, I think they meant a more direct means of communication than through the dream bubbles, but if it's true that this conversation happened (I can't find it myself) to me it seems most likely that he got rezzed somehow; given the number of trolls that have been killed off now, I'd be surprised if most of them actually stayed dead.
    Yeah, I think there's some conversation we've seen that comes from *after* the end of the countdown that includes both Terezi and Karkat, so they're presumably okay up until at least that point. Then again, I thought I saw somebody mention that Equius showed up in a similar post-countdown conversation and uh. Right.

    Since I read a fair amount of the comic in one sitting at an ungodly hour of the morning, I managed to miss a *lot* of obvious stuff, including like pretty much all of Hivebent. At the beginning of Eridan's rampage people were like, "Woo, Sollux/Eridan rematch!" And I was all, "...when was the first one, now?"
    If the glow thing means that Kanaya's turned out to be a *sparkly* rainbow-drinker I think I would die of hilarity. But I think Terezi's going to be okay! Kanaya gave her a bandaid, after all. :D Unless she's a rainbow-drinker now as well. She's not glowing, though, so.
    TC: motherfuckin
    TC: HONK
    TC: motherfuckers

    Eeee this update! I am a terrible person and giggled hysterically over Gamzee showing up in Equius' shades and Nepeta's hat. And the last flash is so epic and I'm going to be gone for four days and if there's not another update soon I'm going to MISS EVERYTHING aaaaa

    Also I find it kind of hilarious that Dualscar bought it because he went to high court to whine about his kismesis and then ended up not being sufficiently amusing for the subjuggulator to tolerate his presence. Lame destiny indeed!

    As it turns out there actually *is* a big Pesterlog index, or you can find conversations that a character's been involved in on the MSPA Wiki by clicking the "show" by "Pesterlogs" at the bottom of a character's info box on their page. Kind of clunky, but better than nothing.
    CC: Well, )(e did just krill )(er moirail.
    CC: I'll bet s)(e won't be very )(appy about t)(at!
    CC: I'm not sure Mindfang and Dualscar are going to kill eac)( ot)(er just yet.
    CC: After all, Dualscar is -Eridan's D---ESTINY!!!
    CC: And I'm pretty sure )(e said )(e t)(oug)(t )(is destiny was stupid.
    CC: So an --EPIC S)(OWDOWN seems unlikely just now.

    (( There needs to be a page somewhere indexing all the Pesterlogs by who was involved with them. I keep trying to find ones where a particular pair of characters was interacting and then not being able to arrrgh.

    Oh gog it's Gamzee. ))
    Dunno how the sign-up for that game was made, but it seems like if you made it clear that there would be post restrictions and gave an example of the kind of thing you meant, they wouldn't have much grounds for complaint once the game actually started. But there I go with my earth logic again.

    CC: Well it's not really so bad, it's just frustrating!
    CC: Because I'm sure Eridan is going to have a R-ED-EMPTIV--E C)(ARAC)(T-ER ARC!!
    CC: )(e just keeps trying to be evil, but )(e just doesn't )(ave it in )(im.
    CC: And until )(e realizes t)(at, )(e's just going to keep FAILING! 38(
    Okay, that game is pretty amazing and the people complaining about their post restrictions don't know the true meaning of fun. Killing people because you find their posting restriction annoying, on the other hand, is less cool.

    Yeah, I just get pushed farther into Eridan by Ophiuchus. At least this whale I'm practically a Feferi. glub 38)
    If only I had the admin power to run arbitrary database queries so I could get around the stupid three-character search minimum! I would have found it already!

    I'm hoping they both walk away from this one intact (or at least not dead). The vibes I'm getting from this are that that's what'll happen, but I'm probably dead (haha) wrong. In any case only Eridan would be dumb enough to actually try to take on god-tier Vriska/try to gloat about killing Feferi and Kanaya in a weird attempt at inciting blackrom. Oh, Eridan. Never stop being full of fail. But do stop being my patron troll, 'kay? (Curses why is strikeout BBCode not allowed?)
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