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  • I always have Lloyd, Colette, and Kratos; the first time I also had Raine, and then the second time I had Genis. I thought Raine would be better because she has First Aid and Recover, but I got farther with Genis than with Raine.

    Is there any way to control what techniques characters learn? Or do they just kind of learn them on their own?
    Arghh I hate dying while fighting one of the seal guardian things in Symphonia because then you have to start overrr. >:(

    Any tips for beating the water seal guardian? =D
    Thanks for secondary judging.

    Also, next round, we'll get Gen V moves.
    Well, maybe that, with a warning on how it will do nothing unless the person has JavaScript turned off. But right now it's too much of a bother.

    Delaying is all I've been doing these days, so, I've absolutely no problem with anybody else's delays.
    Uh, if it fails does the pokémon get deleted usually? Because if is doesn't I'd like to request you to pretty much clone my competitive team so that I can have one on Black and one on HeartGold, so I can pander both ways to challengers. Could you do that?
    Odds are that was CCP, creators of EVE Online (I don't think any other Icelandic gaming company has any such thing as North American headquarters, in any case). My dad is actually the chairman of the board, my brother used to work there in beta testing one summer and I'm pretty convinced it is the Best Company Ever so if there's any company I'm going to try to work for in the future that's probably it, but no, unfortunately they haven't offered me a job because they're not hiring people this young at the moment.
    They're operating on even less information than usual this game, so far as I know. Which makes abstaining an even better option than usual under these circumstances, unless they do something to *provide* themselves with some information. They haven't really been going that direction so far.

    I would be happy to froth over the state of the game in the CBox (already started in fact), since continuing to do so here where players can see is probably kind of unfair since if anybody happens to read this I can get around being dead somewhat. (Hey lurkers! Don't be idiots and all of you roleclaim right now!)

    Something I meant to ask before it became moot but the answer to which might be useful for other people: does leveling up happen before or after night actions? I'm guessing before because otherwise people would be stuck at vanilla-flavor for two nights in a row instead of one, but thought I'd check.
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