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  • Well, I was more referring to the discouraging general barrage of complaints from bystanders that Ghost-type submissions tend to provoke, rather than the approvers just refusing to let it through for being Ghost-type and nothing more.
    (...not that I'm doing anything to appease them with my most recent set of fakes but)
    Hey, tell you what. I'll sprite a bunch of your fakemon and you buy me some ASB-mons in exchange!

    Does this sound like a good plan
    By the way, I've been keeping an eye on Tropes Mafia and I might as well mention that I noticed Vixie is number 41, which might have something to do with why she alledgedly had little to no option but investigate Mawile.
    I'm pretty excited about the Isshu-only rule. Kyogre/Groudon et al were getting a bit old IMO.

    Ugggh I haven't been paying any attention to the metagame at all. Maybe I'll be able to sim it up a bit over Christmas break.
    Ah, yeah. I have to replace Acheron's magic coat myself, since HG/SS gave that to sableye as a tutor move.
    Power whip no. Wood hammer is pretty eh, too, but I'd probably let you get away with it.
    Ah, but what are the chances of one of those happening relative to the chance of me being mafia?

    Of course, now I'll be in trouble if I happen not to be mafia and you get killed on the first night anyway, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
    If I'm mafia in TVTropes mafia I'll be sure to tell them to kill you first night. ;)
    I will look at you how I want >E

    (Yeah, I get your point with those. I either don't pay attention or I mostly pay attention to IM things and I switch between the two fairly frequently. Typically I pay attention until I get bored and then I don't pay attention until I'm going WTF IS EVERYONE DOING :O :O :O and then I'm paying attention to that every fifteen seconds for a while.)
    Clearly if you have some sort of IM contact you should add me and message me so you can send me segments you hate and I can send you segments I kinda hate and together we will sulk forever >D
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