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  • Haha, yeah...any chance of finding another Pokemon fan was pretty appealing to me. But that means your mod is Vi, yes? She's nice, IIRC.
    Yeah...I gave it a try, but I have issues with motivating myself to post, especially because I'm self-conscious and just want people to like me. Not really MafiaScum material. ^^;
    Just a heads up; you've got credit in your signature for an edgeworth avatar. Regardless of how awesome, a hypnomunk it is not. ;D
    No worries. I'll make sure to handle it as best I can. I'd been wondering where you'd gone to. Speak to you soon!
    welp! I'll be honest and say I haven't been following the Chrome tournament apart from what Espeon and res have said in IRC, but I'll do what I can.
    it is, imo. it's a little orange bear (think teddiursa) with a tiki mask and burning sticks. then it becomes a bigger bear with disproportionate arms and tiny torches, then a huge bear that spins double-sided tiki torches.

    BUBBLEKITTY's a tiny, 1' tall kitten made of water that has to stay in its bubble to maintain its shape. then when it evolves its body and bubble freeze into snow and thick ice, respectively. then in its final form, it loses it bubble, its fur becomes long and made of giant icicles.

    i love the BUBBLEKITTY line. they're the only ones with names so far. first is jakkit, then jaccat, then jackleo.
    of what? the starters? i plan to at least get the lineart done tomorrow and then maybe kind of sorta ask someone to collaborate with me and color them and touch them up.

    they're a BUBBLEKITTY, a bushraccoon, and a tikibear. i've got BUBBLEKITTY's line aaaall planned out.
    eh, maybe.

    anyways. i split it into chalk and hematite, with arceus being chalk's mascot and jelabyss remaining as hematite's. lance is still a maniacal psychopath trying to control the main legend. and. uh.

    the starters are pretty badass as well, if i do say so myself.
    HEY KRATOS remember that hematite thing i was going to do

    WELL I KICKED IT IN THE FACE and revived it

    WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR of my new plans? there are BUBBLEKITTIES~
    Ah... see, I'm using the forum default (Minimal Dewgong), so I just see this huge empty-looking post. If it's not taking the default font color for some reason, that's pretty strange.
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