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  • Oh, I apologize. It was past my birthday so it didn't occur to me that people will still getting us presents. Thank you for your reminder.
    Heh, I believe Butterfree was talking about using the Mafia hack for a class somehow, so no assistance there. And it's not to do with Asber, nope.
    Not having an idea of what the "full" ACP looks like, I can't say for sure how much of it I can access. I can alter things like plugins and so on, though, yes.
    Hah, you don't know how many times I've had the "will fill it in with my imagination" threat levelled at me. Do your worst!

    (And yeah, that's why I chose it. ;) )
    I made Butterfree a proposition she found interesting.

    I can't say more than that for the moment, but you'll see in time.
    Yeah, I want both. As soon as ref test are graded, if I pass, I can have it that day, via e-refs. If I fail, go ahead and sell it.
    Yeah, I guess she was a given since it's an Edgey game. And at least if they had to feature Larry again too, they changed his theme from T&T so it doesn't kill my ears when he shows up any more.

    I'm interested in your Snorunt on the Black Market, but I don't have the money now. Would you be able to reserve it until I get some currency? (I'll pay the $12 plus outbid anyone who opposes me...)
    I'm getting slightly tired of them shoehorning Oldbag in, to be honest. Well, it wasn't so bad before they featured her twice in the same game.I see little reason why Ema couldn't be the witness in The Kidnapped turnabout; it annoyed me hugely that her appearance literally consisted of just "hi i'm here oh look there's footprints k bye".

    Then I'll just suffice by saying that my favourite quote in the game is "though the rest of us continue to grow and develop with every revolution of the world around the sun, I am convinced that this detective somehow remains madly spinning in place". Not only is it classic Edgey, it sums Gummy up perfectly.

    Allcaps comicdoodles do sound glorious. The club needs some activity anyway because I had some form of Ace Attorney-related discussion I planned to bring up as soon as I remember what it was and I don't want to double post.
    AAI had a huge problem with predictable murderers. Jacques Portsman is revealed before you even start the case. I suspected Zinc Leblanc somewhat until Meele came along, and predicted they'd bring in the old "harmless airhead woman is in fact a cold calculating killer gasp" cliche, which they did. Calisto Yew was fishy right from the start. Admittedly I never suspected Lance, I was too busy not liking Shifu's attitude and thinking he'd end up doing something. So it was nice to have Alba, though I was tipped off before I actually got to accusing him because I spotted the name of his theme. Bah.

    I don't want any of the main characters introduced in AAI to go away forever, much as it implies they will D: Well, there's no real indication Shifu's out I guess, and when Kay goes off she's told not to be a stranger, so who knows. In any case the game has played havoc with my list of favouritest ever AA characters. Not sure whereabouts Luke Atmey comes now, but it's nowhere near the top any more.

    Given the quality of grammar in the series it might not be, but then it is Gumshoe speaking. And the whole game is full of classic quotes. "Egads! I've been overruled?!"
    She didn't D: Shame, that would have been a great ending to 5-3. Better than "bawww I killed him in self defence and I'm not really evil".

    That's true, I suppose. Really I wanted Shih-na/Yew to be the final villain because she shot Byrne Faraday and made Kay cry which made me sad and made me think Kay got shot for a few awful moments. Then again I hate it when it's so blatantly obvious who the criminal is (especially in the case of things like The First Turnabout and Turnabout Visitor where they actually show you), so the whole "no wait it's this guy we thought was harmless all this time but actually at the last minute he's completely evil" thing appeals to me. If you know who's done what and all you have to do is prove it, then I like that to be at the very climax of the case. Also they could hardly know who the head of the smuggling ring was before the final confrontation, though he does have extraterrestrial rights.
    ...actually I will definitely be getting a Minijina. So that I can say "badger GET!" when I buy it in the PRO. As well as the fact that it will be a Blue Badger.

    Ugh, of course her name sounds exactly like "Shih-na" and also in Japanese actually is Shihna. Why can't I think today. (And I must indeed, since I got it back in December and have only just beaten Kvar.)

    The last part is the best part of the entire game, incidentally, and features the greatest AA villain ever to exist.
    ...wait I think I subconsciously stole that idea from Metallica Fanboy anyway. Oh well.
    An epic ninja-related-character-named Pokémon faceoff also sounds equally fabulous, though I really need to get round to playing more Tales of Symphonia so I know how to adequately torture said Azurill. (Sheena should have been called "Clumsy Assassin" right through the game, in my opinion.)

    Frankly I can't see a reason why I won't end up buying all of your Fakemon because they are all insanely wonderful and I like buying things for no good reason.
    ...dammit I need to think of some sig attribute involving fear of earthquakes. But I doubt any such thing would work with a Flying type. Why did I decide a Pidgey would be appropriate for Edgeworth, it doesn't even have a cravat.

    Anyway your sadistic challenge interests me. If I bring in my Gastly and we rustle up a Yanni Yogi and Gregory Edgeworth from somewhere we could have some description of DL-6 party.
    ...or just you screwing up my Pidgey. That works too.

    (Not in the slightest, thanks for asking)
    "Stealing internet from neighbors or walking to library every couple of days" is my planned solution. We'll see how it goes.
    My parents are all "WE ARE TOO POOR" and my brother and I can't afford the aforementioned $60/mo.
    Yeah, probably not worth my money... I'm going to be moving again, and according to my brother there's no unsecured wireless where I'm going. Since we don't have service at all, it's pretty much one of those USB's from like Verizon or whatever that come with the $60/mo service plan, or nada.
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