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  • Ah, yeah, that was the wrooong thread. Fixed the paychecks.

    These are just general wireless cards, right? They don't come with service, they just connect to a network you already have.
    Yeah, I don't know that a direct line to poccil would work at all.

    Wichu is probably the only other user I would bank on having the skills/potential inclination to answer your question. It's kind of unfortunate that so few people know how things actually work in that community.

    In other news, I just realized that my lack of internet access at home is going to make practicing for the VGC a mite difficult. I might just have to hope for better next year. =/
    Did you try PMing him or something?

    I would guess that anyone with some moderate knowledge of the scripting system for RMXP could figure it out; whether anybody with that knowledge is a) around and answering questions and b) would be interested in teasing out this particular problem is questionable.
    Hmm, that's odd. Because so far as I see in the script you pasted, pbPrepareRentals is never called, only defined, and the error message doesn't look like a problem with its definition.

    I've got nothing, then. Best of luck figuring it out.
    Looks to me like the problem's not there. Have you got the script that actually uses these classes and so forth to get the game running? It looks like these are just the class definitions, not the stuff that actually starts executing. But I don't know anything about RGSS, so.
    Are the scripts for Essentials plaintexted anywhere, or can you only explore them using RMXP? I downloaded it at one point, but I could only find compiled versions of the scripts that were of course unreadable, so I chucked it because I had no intention of getting RMXP to go with.

    Removing "extra" definitely wouldn't solve the problem, no. The problem is that the script can't find it at the moment, I think. :P
    Not dividing the base power by 10 again. So this time I did get 20.

    ctrl+f for "extra" (and nothing else) in the "BattleFactoryData" class and wherever the other stuff is ("pbBattleChallenge" etc.) if they're not in the same place. Unless it's some facet of RMXP itself (e.g. if it doesn't find something it searches "extra") it's not dropping out of the sky; it has to be in there somewhere.
    Oh... I thought you had stat boosts lower energy requirements rather than raise them, though I agree this does make more sense.

    Not sure what to do with the "ustat" and "foestat" of that calculator that you linked; I tried "130" for ustat and "80" for fstat and it gave me 157 as a result, so I'm guessing you want me to transform the base stats somehow before doing that? Giving the modifiers I usually would to those stats (ustat = 2, fstat = -1) I still got something over 100, so that's not right either.

    Incidentally, my best guess as to the problem with the pbPrepareRentals is that there's some improper class definition going on. The error looks like it's saying it's getting "nilClass" (from what I can tell, this is at least one version of "null" or "false" in Ruby) when it tries to evaluate pbBattleChallenge.extra. Which means that it can't find the class "extra" in the module "pbBattleChallenge". I'd check to make sure that all the names involved there are spelled and capitalized correctly, and also that "extra" is defined somewhere. If not, then try to find out where the method is called and, looking at what "pbPrepareRentals" is actually a method of, replace "extra" with that class name.
    I didn't divide the base power by 10, as it turns out. (Instructions above widget instead of below, maybe? D:) Still, is SB supposed to come out to 6% energy for a gengar with +3 special attack?
    I was bored while working on mock battles and messed with your damage and energy calculators a bit. There seems to be something wrong with them, since they told me that Nix's shadow ball should do 107 damage and cost 56 energy.
    Hey, Kratos. Are you going to continue reffing my battle against Ruffledfeathers or should we get an E-Ref?

    Also Noperajina is the best fakemon I've ever seen.
    Hm, I think I'd be better off altering the original art's pose and pixel-overing that. I'm no good with scratches.

    This can wait, right? Because I'm not sure when I'll have the time. I'll try to do it quickly, but eh, no guarantees.
    Well, you can't make a rainbow without rain.

    Oh! I know Blu! :3 She made that Flasheen sprite I had as my avatar at one point.
    So? No one finds their sprites good, save for a select one or two they make. Did you make the fakemon pixel-over in your signature?
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