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  • So, I was bored and decided I wanted to sprite something-

    Oh, look, a Klaitning.

    Ahh... Those are all pretty fun; ToS2 isn't as "bad" as people were saying. just ya know, people =/ Phantasia just has funny voice work >.>

    Aside from Symphonia (Almost everyone's played that >.> It's the freaking FFVII of the Tales series) which have you played? :v
    So I'm just curious... in the chrome league gym leader tournament thing, you mentioned that you had one definite leader, and I notice you had a gym too. Did you mean yourself or me? I would assume it means me, since you had that whole check-in thing, but I just wanted definite clarification before getting all selfish. :P
    So I was reading over some ASB battles, and for the record, Pain Split is affected by Heal Block; It will still cause damage, but not heal the lower HP pokemon. I'd asked that question sometime within the last month for a battle I was reffing. So yeah, I'm not sure if you have the mechanics right. Just thought you should know. :P
    Interesting team, there. Too bad the hax wasn't with you. Shiny eevee is cool, at least. Are you planning to evolve it?
    Ugh, that sucks. The hax doesn't seem to have been strong with you lately. What were you running?

    I did get your package, yes. I was planning to turn the games around and send them back to you along with the previous two on Monday, but it's taking longer than anticipated to finish Trials and Tribulations, so I'll just hang onto that and Justice for All and send them along with the games I was going to loan you. That should be sometime in mid-July, when I go back to my house.

    Incidentally I finally gave up on Temporal Tower. I think I got most of what I wanted out of the game, though... I'll just watch YouTube videos to fill in any important post-game stuff.
    Whaaaat. How does this keep happening?!

    Oh, by the way, Killian came back to Kutho and asked me to continue his journey since he wasn't sure where you'd gone. I'm all for it and everything, but I just wanted to let you know beforehand.
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