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  • Hello, sorry to be posting on yor profile and everything but the other option is double-posting, so yeah. Two questions: Would you rather your Chikorita has hatched or would you prefer the egg, and when exactly would you be able to trade it? I'm available pretty much any time after midday and before midnight (GMT), so anything is generally okay. Also, please remember, if you haven't already, to rename the Dratini "Zeite". Thanks et cetera.
    Ah, uh... Really? :'D Ahahah I think I need a confidence boost. But thanks! And no, I wouldn't mind at all; go ahead~

    Hm, well, I'd like to see the Ventorm sprite you have right now before I do anything. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, but my arm's been pretty uncooperative as of late, so I wouldn't want to do any, ah, unnecessary work, if you catch my drift.

    Are you putting sprites on the Phoenixdex pages? :0 If so, I'll redo my Torranel. :o
    Wyrmal get! (that is how you spell its name right)

    Weeelll, I simplified somewhat for the sake of space; it's not deliberately absorbing people for power, that's just sort of what happens when people come into contact with it. It doesn't particularly have any malice or much free will at all. Unfortunately, I can't think of how it would work without the "history repeating itself" part without breaking the ties to the older civilizations, though I guess that's nonessential to the story in and of itself. Unfortunately, I can't think of any "X wakes up and finds that everybody else is dead!" scenarios that aren't terribly cliché. (Terrible plague? Done. Invasion of monster(s) alien(s)? Done. Terrible natural disaster? Done. Even "everybody decided to pack up and leave" has been done.) But in the end, yeah, I kind of decided at least that part of the story was lame; I kind of like the box-pokémon discovering the real world for the first time, but perhaps not against that backdrop.

    By the way, were you planning to go more in depth with what exactly the whole unown plot is supposed to be in New Lagora, or "not unless I write a 'fic about it"/not?

    Presumably I figured out the regis were blind before, but for some reason it never struck me until now. Hrm.
    Out of curiosity, what would you consider salvageable/unsalvageable out of that mess?

    And actually, speaking of no functional eyes, the regis are all blind, aren't they? Or rather, they have no eyes to speak of (unless those little flashing lights are supposed to be eyes). Feels like you could make something interesting out of that fact.
    Eh, essentially a team of scientists from the rhyhorn's time come across the writings of some ancient Braillians in that little Hoenn desert, which describe how baltoy, in that ancient civilization, were used to travel through time. (There is a Pokémon episode about time-traveling baltoy, one of the only advance gen ones I've ever seen.) However, their explorers got a bit ambitious and decided to try and see what would happen if they went all the way back to, essentially, the beginning of time. In doing so they let through one of the powerful spirits (this is difficult to explain without getting into the fanon and history of that world, which is pretty dense and intertwined) of that time and basically started beating the crap out of their civilization. It was only through the combined work of several legendaries (themselves avatars of similar spirits) that they managed to turn the thing back and seal it away in its proper time again. Except for a few scattered survivors, their civilization is pretty much toast.

    So the modern scientists unearth part of these documents and read about the whole time travel gig but for one reason or another don't pick up on the "Things not to try holy shit" warnings left behind by that civilization. That's because the warnings were only written retrospectively in another language by the Tanoby people who moved into the area after the Braillians were more or less wiped out, and decided they might want to take notes on the calamity that struck that group, based on reports of captured survivors. The scientists don't put two and two together since they're mostly concentrated on the Braille. However, they do decide this whole time-travel thing is pretty neat--they thought only Celebi could do that, after all--and start messing with it. Eventually, they also replicate the experiment of taking it waaaay back (seems like many a physicist would want to be able to observe the universe seconds after the big bang, no?) and disturb one of those ancient beings that was generally pretty unfriendly and uncivilized at that time.

    Unfortunately for the lot of them, the legendaries have long since left that world for reasons that precipitate out of Clouded Sky and the fanfics associated with it and are little more than, well, legend. The terrible power wreaks havoc on the world, growing stronger as it absorbs more and more people (it makes sense I swear well kind of); the weird red stripes the rhyhorn sees in the sky are extensions of that spirit, which now stretch all around the world, concentrated at certain points.

    Obviously he pops out of his pokéball some time after every sentient creature in that area has been absorbed (the spirit released here is Memory, i.e. Latias, which feeds on people's... yeah, you got it; so it skips stuff with no episodic memory to speak of). What he's seeing is essentially the aftermath of the downfall of "his" civilization, which mirrors (but worse) the one that pretty much wiped out the Braillian people of that ancient time, allowing the Tanoby to kind of rise to power.

    But I stopped writing it because I thought it maybe got a little too philosophical, people wouldn't get it/would be angry about the ending, which is pretty damn depressing, really, I decided it was in general kind of stupid. Eh. The story's a little more nuanced than that, of course, but that's pretty much the situation.

    That's a pretty cool writing system, there! Like literal moon-speak, except writing. Obviously everybody was blind back in the day!
    (( So then I realized I posted this on my own profile instead of yours. ))

    My brother can back me up on this! I'll call him as a witness!

    Yeah, I've always been pretty fascinated with the unown and the idea of the history of pokémon societies. There's a reason my old Clouded Sky banner had its catchprase spelled out in unown font around the edges. I've long toyed with the idea of a fanfic about people living in the pokémon world in ancient times (like, waaaay before pokéballs), where I envision the unown and the regis having a pretty prominent role. The region I'm talking about would probably be the setting of that fanfic. Actually, the aborted fanfic I wrote some time ago (Vanishing Point) toyed with the regi nation a bit, at least in later chapters that never saw the light of internet.

    I don't remember mentioning the Braillians somewhere public before, but eh, the premise basically is that there were two major societies back in the day, one that was heavily centered on the unown, using their power to control pokémon and so forth, and another that used the Braille script and worshipped the regis, relying more upon "advanced" technology for their lifestyle. Naturally, the two eventually decided that they ought to beat each other up. The region in question is where the two really started clashing, encroaching on each other's space, and tensions started to rise that led to the eventual war that broke the two of them down. The region is a small island nation near Sevii, inspired by the fact that Sevii is the only place so far to have both Braille-writing and unown ruins in close proximity, thus being an area of close contact between the two nations.

    Pretty much I knew I was fascinated with the unown, then got intrigued with the regis when I translated the inscriptions in R/S, which I think are just too cool:

    "In this cave we have lived. We owe all to the pokémon. But, we sealed the pokémon away. We feared it. Those with courage, those with hope, open a door. An eternal pokémon awaits."

    So yeah. Always thought it would be great to do something with that, and my conception of that ancient nation kind of grew together with that of the unown.

    My will was weak and I turned browsing on early today because I did something this afternoon to prove wrong something a person I dislike said on the internet (SPPf, specifically) in an offhanded, sarcastic, and largely inconsequential manner a year or so ago. I did manage to dig up the quote, but I had slightly misremembered it and was disappointed to find that I had nothing to mentally rub in its face. I think my grudges on the internet are a little out of hand.

    Eh? The way the sentence reads to me, it's saying that you promise you won't go back and add pages after you finish them. Like, I would understand if you removed the "not," because then it would be saying, "Ordinarily I wouldn't add pages to content that doesn't exist, but I really do promise that I'll get it up there eventually, they're not going to stay that way forever." If you meant to convey that you need to link stuff so you remember to go back and add it later, maybe add an "if I don't" after "I promise you."

    OH GOD I need to turn the forums off now. ttyl

    (( Also, there's a typo in this description: "It is home to New Logora's eighth and final gym, lead by master Psychic-type trainer Casey, and also hosts exciting hyper-rank contests in its contest hall." Should be "led" instead of "lead."

    Also, you left the filler text in on Rasqueon: "
    Where I got the idea, etc., etc.. At least a sentence or two about the origin, and then another sentence or two about the name origin. Maybe a new paragraph about anything else fun having to do with the Pokémon that doesn't belong in the flavor area? Any trivia should probably go here, too." ))
    I regret to inform you that fake regions based on the history and powers of the unown, and their relationship with the people who built the Tanoby ruins and other structures found scattered around the canon regions, is 100% © and my awesome secret fake region project and no one else is allowed to use it ever. My internet lawyer will be contacting you shortly about how totally not cool it is for you to steal it.

    I don't really have time to look through all the information on NL at the moment (no you do not, self, you have a presentation you need to work on right now), but so far I have to say that it looks like a very fun region to play through. Would be great to make a custom game out of, unlike a lot of the uninspired titles you see people proposing.

    However, you probably want to fix this typo on the regional pokédex page:

    "Normally I try to avoid adding links to pages that don't exist, but I promise you I will not remember to go back and add them in after I finish those pages."

    It's not very reassuring at the moment. ;)
    Does every idea I come up with get also done by someone else? I was thinking 'hey no one has ever made a cassowary fake before I'll bet it will be the best fake ever oh wait what's this now?"

    I mean yeah I could still make it original and put my own spin on things but sheesh.
    Oh, I love its design for sure, and Ghost is my favourite type to boot - but there's a point where there are just too many. We're severely lacking Electrics and Fires, and the 'Bulky Ghost' role has an apt enough candidate in Dusknoir and his line. I'd love to see it in at a later time, but for the sake of filling out the 'Dex my votes end up in the more indie typings. (Plus.. It's a Rotom crossed with a Hummingbird, it's not lacking in style points either)
    But anyway, thanks~
    Hey there, I know this sort of reeks of indecisiveness - but I've sort of reconsidered a vote of my in the P'Dex. (Especially given I've got insight to another planned Cat!Ghost P: ) I've taken a real liking to Klaitning, though, and we sort of really need an non-legendary Electric Flier above more ghosts right now - would I be able to retract my vote on Noperajina and shift to Klait?
    (You really have far too many awesome designs and ideas ;w; it's not easy choosing you know-)
    Responsible? Pokemon in general is rather irresponsible, wouldn't you say? Having ten year-olds going out on adventures that involve dangerous, supernatural creatures is hardly something I'd call responsible.
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