Haha, I never even came close to finishing Wind Waker. I think in my case a large part of the issue is that I, apparently unlike every other gamer, actually liked the huge overworld and having to sail places all the time. I pretty routinely went, "Screw the storyline, I want to sail around for four hours grabbing treasure and running around tiny atolls!" and then yeah that never got done. I watched most of my brother's playthrough, though.
Ahaha, yeah, I imagine everything about TM/HM list management is terrible. I think showcasing the new TM's is definitely cool, anyway; I would probably preferentially pick gyms that gave out new ones over gyms that gave out old ones just for novelty's sake, if there was a mixture. I imagine it must be a little frustrating to have to work other people's sometimes... creative... stuff into your region now and again, though. (Whoever decided that "neutral gin" was a good name for anything, just, what. I don't even.)
Oh don't you even tempt me I will totally zoom over to that seventh gym immediately and kick some deathosaurus butt if you make it sound like a challenge.
Mmm, yeah, I definitely like burungin the best out of the fire-types and bossorna best out of the grass-types, and bossorna could really use some love... I could see all three of them on my team, except for the part where that would never happen. As it is I figure whatever I end up with is bound to be "what is type balance" anyway. But whatever you decide to go with, we should definitely have our characters get together and irritate each other sometime!
Omg is the other character you're talking about Virgil? Because that would be the most amazing thing ever, really. Even if you can't justify playing him as a main character you could always put him in as an NPC or something; I'm going to be dropping in a couple expies of my own along the way, because I haven't tortured them enough yet I guess.