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  • Are you totally against participating in ASB these days? I think it would be fun to have a 1v1v1 of fully-evolved Sinnoh starters when someone gets an Infernape, if you're interested.
    It's definitely a feat that could only be conquered in this very day.
    Same duration for me. Some short posts are randomly eaten but usually not, while almost all long ones are (though lots of opening match posts are fine for me). I've found it's the same across browsers and tcod/eeveeshq versions and despite most of my fiddlings with whatever settings, while Negrek and pathos don't experience it. Haven't managed anything except develop the habit of c/p whenever I preview a post, which kind of sucks if I want to go back to edit a reffing some time later.
    I may have the same problem wrt quotes as you do, but most others don't seem to. If you try to edit a long post, does the box often come up empty for you as well? And when you try to do go advanced/preview on a long post? Reffing posts are good things to test that on, since they're almost always affected for me.
    Thank you for the suggestion! I enjoyed reading the story, it really did sound like a mashup between SCP and Pokemon.
    I was actually thinking of getting you a late ASB gift, although, well. What I was saying in that last VM from 2012.

    (But then again, maybe I can get you a nifty joke gift...)
    Do you have any plans for revitalizing the WiFi League?

    Now's a good a time as ever; most of the Leaders are inactive, the info posted in the Records thread will be obsolete in a couple of months.
    Huh, that's right. I had assumed in the back of my head that Flying-types were immune to that, too. Odd. I apologize if I came off as curt; I was only pointing it out, I guess I did sound a little bit angry, haha.
    This is probably unimportant, but I’d like to point out that since the only two Pokémon that have the ability Sidestep are Flying-Types, the ability is useless, except for evasions of Terror and Addle Veil and things of that nature, since they’re not ground-based entry hazards. In any case, even if it does make them prone to the veil moves, that’s really all it does… so unless you a) made it so Flying-Type Pokémon are no longer immune to entry-hazards (including Quicksand, because it’s ground-based), or b) intended this, I wanted to point out that it would probably make more sense to either give this ability to additional Pokémon or to change it so it makes more sense. Of course the ability would come into play if the Pokémon in question was Smacked Down or something, but even so, there would be very few situations when Sidestep comes into play.
    cause i want a userstyle for tcods ;n; and i don't know how to code my own but i can edit existing codes wahaha. DO YOU WANT TO SHARE?
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