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  • (shit I really need to stop replying to my own profile)

    Thanks! And I'm glad you liked other terribad ship names. You can tell I'm not a big shipper, though. XD

    Also, I don't remember whether I mentioned it, but also your horribly-late birthday present is probably on its way, sorta? I had a serious lapse of critical thinking and somehow didn't realize that ordering something made on demand... overseas... might not arrive in an Amazon-like amount of time? But apparently it did actually ship this week, so idk, maybe expect it in, like, a month and a half? When it shows up it will be a surprise to everyone, including me.
    Thank you! :D I had a pretty good birthday; I ended up not having time for a lot of the stuff I wanted to do, but it was fine because the stuff I was busy doing instead was pretty great.

    My version of the conversion fanfic idea was actually basically that. Like, Jack's mom e-mailed him the link to the fanfic, and Mia was there and immediately helpfully informed him that the website the fic was on was the same one that the classmates sitting in front of her were always on on their laptops in class, reading about bands. (The ones they read tend to be about sex, but this one's labeled K+, and those usually aren't.)

    Actually, since the bit I got stuck on was writing the actual fanfic part, I could just nab Intro to Science 101 and then recycle the framing as an AU. :P
    Well, after much furious cogitation, I still can't really think of a non-lame name. So let's call her "Pancake," I suppose. :P

    Let me know when you'd like to trade!
    That would be great! Do you want anything in return?

    I'll think of a name... although the one she has now sounds like it has a story behind it.
    Happy actual birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day and an even better year!
    It iiiis? I thought for sure it was the 26th. Well, have some early desperate birthday wishes, I guess.


    Eh, just wondering. I imagine you'd not be very interested in a three-ring binder, either?
    So uh. Do you think you would have any particular use for a notebook... with lined... paper in it?
    Hey Kratos, would you mind switching with Byrus and reffing pathos vs Keldeo instead of your current tournament match? Crazy Linoone's been DQed and Byrus will be taking her place, meaning that with the current setup Keldeo and Byrus will be reffing each other's battles, and I want to avoid that.
    Thanks for the heads-up and for reffing! I'll issue commands shortly. Also, splatmeleon is the bestmeleon.
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