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  • Well, I like to be called RTB, and I don't get why the would translate as and. I think R&B is a type of music, actuallly. I think it means "Rythym And Blues" *checks*

    I got that, but it is only something that would be understood if they new your previous/current name.

    What's wrong with using an ampersand? it means "and". I just use it to abbreviate an abbreviation, because I am a lazy and disgruntled teenager.
    yee-ah. XD

    But, it's not that I really love this one, it's just the other one... didn't make sense. And besides, now I can call you R&B again. :D
    Haha. The thing is, I can't think of a username! So that will most likely be on hold for a while! xP
    Yep, and I had just gotten used to FallOut Blade xD I was thinking about changing my username, but I'm not sure to what...I most likely won't anyway!
    Oh, why thank you! I'll start making some more in December, seeing as I'm crazy busy this month. :/

    Ah, I see. I love it when a Pokemon had Magma Armor or Flame Body; they help to hatch eggs so much quicker~ I personally think that shinies are just overrated for the desire of wanting one; their stats usually suck, anyway. And also, definitely not this week, or maybe even the week affter that - like I said, I'm crazy busy, so is it possiblt to do it in December...?
    Yeah, I'll probably make the avatar myself since I haven't found any I really want.

    Seriously? Wow! You have good luck with shinies. :O I don't have that many.
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