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  • I didn't mean too ; ;

    My team's in my signature... except the togetic's going to be evolved... possibly.
    Usually, a Dragonite/Flygon, a Leafeon, a Lucario, an Empoleon, a Gallade, and a Crobat.

    I also have a few Steel, Grass and Dragon mono-types.
    Awesome, I have a Lvl 1 Totodile with Ice Beam, Crunch, and Surf due to me breeding my Feraligator. I had a Dragonair but my mom dropped my game and it shut itself off before I saved it.
    Sure, why not. It just seems whenever I set up a plan to train a Pokemon I give up and do it to another one. xD I'm trying to find places with free Wi-Fi so I can do it. I'm on the search for Riolu and I'm training Gardevoir and Ambipom right now at the Elite Four.
    My team consits of(most of the time):
    Feraligator-Lvl 100
    Umbreon-Lvl 72
    Meganium-Lvl 66
    Typhlosion-Lvl 72
    Gardevoir-Lvl 43
    and maybe Ambipom-Lvl 39

    I took Ralts because I saw you had posted yet, and decided I've used Umbreon alot and I keep getting confused on what I use, so I chose Ralts :D
    Yes! River had the form planned out, but just needed some help with the plot. :D
    What Pokemon team to do you as you're main team? (on you're Pokemon game)
    Um...maybe when some people who have reaserved forms are done with them. Unless, they have finished them and I am unknown to it but, most likely when River gets on, in the -5 timezone hes on at about 3am.
    Yep. Decided to do the quoting thing in the usertitle, only with Dragonforce. I have a better idea though.

    And I'm think about adding some parts from the card I got it from to the avatar.

    Couldn't think of a better name, but I wanted Absol in it. I just thought of Xero the Absol, instead of my old one. :/ Maybe I should've put Neon the Absol?

    Anyways, speaking of PC1-U, I seriously want someone to revive it.
    For the record, that was my in-game team. Want to battle again, this time with me using my real team?
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