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  • Yeah, I bought that album the week it came out. Fall Out Boy is a great band.

    And as long as you get that Breaking Benjamin is my favorite band, that's good enough. I am probably as obsessed with BB as you are with FOB.
    Yeah, I know, it's from the song "20 Dollar Nosebleed"

    I don't know if you get the reference in my user title... it's a song from my favorite band... let's see if you can guess.
    I'm aware, I'm just waiting for a at least one more form, I'll accept them all, and then start. |-:<
    Alright, sorry if I make any spelling mistakes - I'm on my DSi so it's quite hard to write. Anyways, for a randomized signature, you need nothing more than tags! Here's how tags work:

    1. First, obviously, you write out the first tag.

    2. Next, after the first tag is written out, you place whatever you want to be random next to the tag. So far, you should have this:

    . Hit the spacebar again and put the next random thing there. You should have something like this:

    FallOut Boy Fanatic
    Disturbed rings a bell...

    By the way, my music choice vary A Lot. I have about 1,000 songs on my iPod, no lie.

    (I still have to get more Fallout Boy songs, but I Don't Care is by far my favorite with Thanks for the Memories and a few others in close second. Unfortunately, when I readded a whole bunch of songs back to my iTunes Library, I lost a few of my favorite songs.)
    Sorry for not replying in forever. D:

    Well, at least you got something you like, right? That's great! :D

    Ooh, I do like their voices~ Very nice songs as well. :D I love it!

    You're very welcome!

    (Like? My username is Mini Moonwalker. I almost worship Michael Jackson.)
    That is awesome. :O I swear, that was extremely cool. :DDDD It's was all ROCK AND ROOLLLLLLLLL BEAT IT, YO and stuff. :D
    Fall Out Boy is awesome. But so is Dragonforce. Maybe I should change my name to XeroForce/The Echidna?

    I personally think XeroForce sounds better.
    uh, Blade there's an issue on the Creepypasta contest first post... (see my post in the thread)
    I've really no clue how to create it so it doesn't look like nonsense, maybe you could?

    ( My Gible mess with my cable every day, I nearly missed the new season of Mythbusters tonight because of them.)
    "But that thing nibbling at your heel is probably one of my inner demons. (Apparently, they're just like Gible.)"

    Mine are like Murkrow. At least yours don't try to steal your computer screen. >.>
    you should check out my fanfic again. Did you actually read it before you didn't say anything about it?
    Not much at all. I'm busy in high school, and Just trying to get to fall break alive. Can't wait till B/W are out.
    Sweet! Flamesword and Icysword! Not much, by the way; what's going on with you?
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