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  • hey

    so you know how we were discussing the various locations of 413 in Homestuck?

    well guess what. A standard deck of playing cards has four suits that each have thirteen cards!!! It's 413!!! And it's the Midnight Crew!!
    I tend to assume that people won't do something immature, silly and pointless like that. I'd notice when I came to give you them at the end, and in any case it wouldn't be valid in any safari zone area if you did.
    I know.
    I don't really mind, though. Seriously. It's not like I do any serious downloading/installing, so.
    Probably not, since contests are very different from this kind of battle. If you wanted to use the same sort of idea to set up your own battle, though, that would be fine.
    I'm... not entirely sure! It's a double battle reffing, so that'll probably take a while. Not too long, though. About an hour for that. I'm a pretty slow writer.

    I'll need to find pictures and edit them, and I am using Paint. I honestly have no idea how long it's going to take, just that it's very high on my list of priorities. Don't worry, though. The longer it takes, the more I'm convinced I'll have to make it an epic picture explosion.
    Once I finish up what I'm already doing and find pictures, yeah. Also, good job! You were really close.
    So long as he was holding a fire stone for at least one of them, then you're golden.
    Mmm, they have to be holding the evolution stone when they go into battle, and then after that battle they can evolve.
    Well, it's kind of uncool to force all the best players to eliminate each other early on, too. It would be nice to have more tournaments, but we'll just have to see how well this one goes/how long it takes.
    Heh, thanks. And sorry you had to face me for the first round; single-elimination tournaments cause a lot of unfairness like that.
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