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S. E.
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  • Greymon? Greymon~

    Greymon is pretty awesome too. *goes to Google more pictures to cut up for avatars*
    My Edit was merely stating the fact that I edited my post silly, it wasn't in response to anything you said. I accidentally said L instead of Light, and I edited it.
    And by the way, I would prefer that you called me "Gardy" over "Maley", either that or just MG
    No, I would have moleste-*shot*
    Can't you post the RP idea todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay? I have nothing to do. D:
    I have an additional idea. While the characters should still be able to remember what happened before, they shouldn't be able to remember their real names, just the names of whatever fictional character they are.
    Don't you like that idea? :D
    So, ShinyVee, are you going to post the RP idea soon? I'd just like to say I reserve beforehand. |D
    I like the second idea more, but that might be because I had a similar idea myself. I'd go with that one, if I were you, since some people(like me) have a problem playing as two characters at once.
    Just so you know, as you saw, I uploaded a series of videos called "Awesome Video Game Music" I do take requests for that one, in other words you can ask me to put some special track on the list. It can't be from the same game as another one that's less then five videos before it, thought.
    just fine, really, just recently Uploaded a video on my Youtube channel, which you have to visit or I'll do horrible things to you in your slee-*stabbed*
    yeah, aside from that, nothing listening to some music, what are you doing?
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