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S. E.
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  • Hi!
    Please don't argue with ban-evaders. <3 Just report them and we'll get to them. Thank you very much~!
    I know they can. You think I'm being stupid? If I REALLY wanted to stay here, wouldn't I have been more inconspicuous. Please.

    Uh.. I think we were talking about Mystery Dungeon. Lemme go check...

    Yeah, and Digimon. :3

    Off-topic is off-topic.
    Meaning the new information, or the stuff that'll come out too far in the future to be useful.

    What? No! It was a Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series reference, you should go and watch them right now if you haven't.
    Well, I might look into Explorers of the sky, then.

    But I'll still be a Charmander with Chikorita. >:3
    I only have Blue D:

    I was too lazy to get Time/Darkness, and I didn't find the storyline too interesting.

    I may or may not get Explorers of the Sky. Why explorers, rescuers were bettar >:/

    Or do I have it wrong?
    Mmmmur. No Dusk or Dawn music really stood out for me as awesome, but yeah. >_<

    Mystery Dungeon Blue music wins~
    For me?

    Holy: Firamon (go go Digimon Dawn~)
    Dark: Lucemon Chaos Mode (I'm pretty sure it's Dark D:)
    Dragon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (it's cool~)
    Beast: MirageGaogamon
    Aquan: MetalSeadramon
    Insect/Plant: GranKuwagamon
    Bird: HALSEMON
    Machine: QueenChessmon

    Yeah, most are related to Dawn in some way >_>
    Renamon is also very awesome~

    For me, anything dragonish or with bird wings is typically awesome~
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