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S. E.
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  • Weird... I posted to your RPG, but it doesn't seem to have fully updated the 'last post' sign on the RPG forum... I don't know what's going on.
    I apologize for pulling you around about this, but I don't want to be in the Digi-RP. I'm in a lot of 'em already, so once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Happy RPing.
    Does it? Im terribly sorry, I haven't stolen anything and I made it myself (Im not even aware that spaekle had an avatar like this.) I'll just change it before it starts any hassle.
    Have a random birthday greeting. 8D
    Thanks for reminding me. I don't really want to skip ahead that much. I haven't forgotten but i've been waiting for Mewtwo to respond. Should I try posting again?
    You get a Mecha cooki- *shot*

    The reason I have yet to post in An Old nemesis is that I figured I'd wait until the boss battle was over. If you want me to post again, i will
    Well, all good things must come to an end.

    Now when you think of me, you can think of Hidan jumping rope or Bonecrusher smashing a bus in two.

    Come to think of it, you're the first that actually recognized it as Perfect Mecha Sonic, instead of him teleporting into space
    Hello Shining Eevee, just popping round to ask a small question, in your brawl Role-Play do I have to pick a video game character? And would it be acceptable for me to pick Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes?
    TTYL, after my dentist appointment and chores are done.

    And I'd prefer the one NOT named Mewie.
    Well, I have both of those, but I am missing a Mewtwo (oh the irony), do you have one?
    D'aww, thanks. And I don't know why I need a boyfriend.

    And a birthday gift would be wonderful, as my birthday is going crappy as of now.
    Yeah, that IS kinda odd.... or UNORTHODOX, as I like to say :DD

    So yours is on May 9?
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