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S. E.
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  • Not much. Scratch spriting a lot which people say I'm decently good at. Working on my fan fic which I gave up on a long time ago but I figured I had some spare time so I took it back up. Oh and working for a fan game, Pokemon Uranium.
    Just today I saw four TV commercials for the movie in one hour.

    The CGI itself is nothing short of amazing, especially for This robot. If it doesn't win the Oscar for best special effects, it will be evidence that the Academy hates anything associated with Micheal Bay. There is no excuse if it loses. None.
    *misinterpretation fail*

    I'm no fan of the series in general, just the movies and games modeled after said movies.

    As for the sudden explosion of TV spots, radio talks, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, it's most likely because we're nearing the release date. With not much time left, the crew is trying to get as much pre-movie hype out before the day it comes out.
    I didn't "catch on" as you say, until two weeks after the first trailer (Two weeks after the Super Bowl) And this is coming from me the movie fanatic and hater of the Micheal bay haters.

    As for why it took so long, well other than the bad luck possibility, the Decepticons could've taken over the network so that less Autobot propaganda is broadcast- *brutally murdered*
    I don't have the time to right now. I have to start my RP and make comics on another forum and whatnot
    Can't is a very big exaggeration. Yes, me and Bakun can do those better, but only because we started to learn how to scratch. It plays a pretty big part in spriting, actually, and can be used in pretty much any spriting styles. Except inferni. Those horrible inferni...

    And if you ever feel the urge to start spriting again, feel free to join the spriting society, a project me and other experienced spriters began a while back. We've only just gone public on tCoD recently, and we've already almost doubled our members. :D
    Too true.

    And I noticed in your birthday post that you said that you can't sprite. That's a load of bull, if you ask me. You forget that you used to own the biggest sprite shop in all of tCoD! Where did it all go?
    I'm currently reading it. Both the movie and the film are awesome, but I wish they didn't cut so much out from the book when they made the film adaptation.
    Well, on Sunday, me and a few friends watched "Angels and Demons" at the Cinema, which was pretty damn epic, and then we went to this japanese noodle bar. The food they do there is excellent; I'd reccomend it.

    Today I had my relatives round. It's nice to see them all again. I got myself a DSi and a set of headphones with a microphone attatched.
    I was inspired by this but shhh don't tell

    It's pretty cool, you should read it anyways. ily Canyx~
    Original means I'd have to come up with an original idea D:

    Meh, I'm leaving for camp at 6:30 in the morning tommorow (EST, Toronto time) and I'm getting back in four days, so I have a while to think about it.

    Yay for skipping school~

    And knowing it's me, it'll probably have something to do with dragons. >:3
    I was just saying that might be it, that's the first idea that popped to mind.

    I have a while to decide, anyways. :3 Or I could fag and go with the cliched 'be a Trainer in a region' thing, or something >_<
    Because I didn't want numbers in my username anymore, and this is the identity I actually assume on most other forums.

    And you know what? I am going to ask about this Pikachu...
    It's about anthropomorphic animals :<

    And that's it, really. They has weapons.
    I'm thinking of making it a crossover of Redwall and Pokemon, with people playing as anthro Pokemon. Or I could make it..

    But first I have to make icons for everything, bwaaaa >:/

    If I ever catch a shiny Eevee, I'm naming it Shining, after you~

    Uh, I'm not really playing anything right now.. oh wait, Mystery Dungeon. :3 I finally beat Silver Trench, yessss~

    Yeah, but I'm slowly playing less, and less.. I'm working on an Invisionfree forum. Full forum RP ftw~

    Thing is I don't know what the full form RP should be >_> So I'm just trying to code and graphic it. And failing.
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