• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • You know, I clicked the "About Me" tab on your profile then read your "Biography" and, for some odd reason, I find it cute yet funny, too. xD (Don't ask; even I don't why.).
    OK im seriously done trying, im so confused.
    i have NO EARTHLY IDEA how to get the pokemon thingy rite, so im not gonna do it
    i cant....my dad's going to kanton...im home alone with the kids....(my bro and sis)

    kk its fine
    It really is. ಠ_ಠ

    My cousen took me to go see it. I find it a bad comedy at best and a rip-your-eyes-out drama/romance at worst. The wolves were awesome though. Then again, they were the only reason I chose to see it with my cousen anyways, so no complants there.
    No, I did not get your request. You sure you sent the request to the right person? 'Cause Ryan's just a nickname you know. :P

    In any case, though, I sent you a request.
    I'm going by my real full name on there. You remember it, right? (If so, don't post my name here where everybody can see it— and that includes my first name, too!).

    Unfortunately (for me that is), you can type in my e-mail address as well in order to search for me on the site. ^^;

    EDIT: Scratch that, I'm gonna go by my nickname, which technically is my real name— sort of. :P
    Yes. I adjusted the privacy setting though, so if you want to add me as a friend, notify me first either here or through e-mail, thus I will temporarily change my settings to "Everyone". I'm not gonna tell anybody in real life yet 'cause I wanna see their reactions once I do tell them I have an account. xD
    I had no time to create one due to a 4-page report I had to perfect (teacher's order). But now I have the time... *goes to create*
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