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  • Nope, but I'm glad to hear that. =D

    And also, let's just forget I mentioned death. ^^;
    ...Wait, actually, I'm sorta curious as to what dying would be like, too. In fact, what are your thoughts about life after death? (Yes, I'm aware that there's a thread called "Life After Death" but I don't go to the Debating Hall forum. =P)
    Well, that and the face that if my trap isn' shut, i'll let the bomb drop, the dam overflow, any metaphor you'd like here. etc. i'd tell them everything that's been cluttered up over osay five years? but I don't. Cause I don't feel like getting in trouble today.

    Eh. I'm either here for it or not. Think sabout that and stop chasing down admins and kings and queens, would ya?
    Bite back a snicker in the sense...well, you know what an Internet troll is, right?
    "LOL I AM TEH 1337" something in that regard?

    Try having a classroom full of attention-seeking, valley-girl speaking, thickskulled...them in real life. And then pair them up with me.

    Blauck. That's good. Either this makes you decide on acting on it, since it'll stay in your haed for a while, or not. Either way, I've made my point across.
    You're a good kid, Scy, you're a good kid. You just have a tendency to say the wrong things at the wrong time in the wrong situations (from what I've read at least. =P). You're also a good online friend of mine, and you know how much I value the friends I make. ;D

    ...Please don't be say you're dying or anything of the sort. ;~;
    When you really, really know a person (I don't mean friend. Enemies are prone to this) they, here and there, say a comment like "You're not have bad," the generic "Good guy.""ARGHH IDGIT BASTARRRD." and so on. Asking them comes off as attentionwhoring. A lot. Cause I get asked this every day, and I really, really have to bite back a snicker.
    Unfortunately, I know nothing about the Swine Flu except that it is bad.
    Uh.... hope you feel better? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. T-T
    More importantly, why does it matter?

    *sigh* I still find you slightly annoying. Just...I've noticed that you and Poke have something in common. And I find Pokemonaholic very annoying, mainly because I usually can't read a word the man types. It's the way you shrug off critisicm, almost. If people find you remotely annoying, you either type out an explaination, or more often that not, give a simple ":P" and change the subject quite abruptly. You sometimes start conversation for the sake of conversation, and all in all, I find you a little boring.
    Crap, going home now (I was at my cousin's house just so you know). >:(
    *Sighs* Everytime I feel the urge to play Mafia, something comes up. ;~;
    It all depends on the subject that is being discussed but even then I still can't express it the way I want to.

    Please explain what the game is— short and concise.
    Actually, let me be a bit more clear about what I said in my previous message: I don't post in the debating hall because I lack the means to properly express my opinions (not like I have any in the first place). Remember when I said I had a weak vocabulary? It also means that I have trouble speaking my thoughts in an intellectual manner.
    I dunno. *Shrugs* I should be getting to sleep soon anyway.

    Let me just say that I am... agnostic or a centrist you could say.
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