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  • That doesn't explain much. ^^; Maybe an example would be better to use to understand it.

    I know. ;~; I wanted to take a computer class at my high school but they wouldn't let me. =/

    Thank you for clearing those terms up, Scy, it makes a whole lot of sense now. However, what does being "politically correct" mean?

    ...Uh... XDDDDDDDDDD
    Seriously, MY house? XD And also, why am I specifically typing in the Poképhile threads and nowhere else, hmm?
    Glad to be of help. ;D

    And yes, they were chosen for me. The only thing I could choose in my school life before I attended college was the academic program: regular academic, sports concentration, art concentration, music concentration, theater concentration and French immersion.

    I know what abortion is and I can understand where you're going at with it; I had to listen to a friend of mine do the same report (except his article was against it). I'm talking about terms such as "liberal", "conservative", "extremist", "politically correct" and a whole bunch of other terms. =/
    Chemistry is hell (well in my experience at least). Out of curiosity, how far are you into the subject? Have you learned about endothermic and exothermic reactions yet? And also, can I see the guideline of your lab report? I may be able to help you with it and provide you with a reference. ;)

    Lucky you, I didn't have electives during my entire school life; they were always chosen for me.

    Gah, I hate terms relating to politics! They're just so confusing to me, especially when they're applied to a political conversation. T_T If only I understood those terms, I would better understand what you're saying. =/
    No wonder they say it's fun... ^^;

    Changing topics, how has life been to you? :3
    I really see no point in having a Facebook account other than keeping in touch with your friends. My sister and her friends say Facebook is fun but how I ask? What kind of features does that site have that I do not know about? Hmm... :|
    No, and I never will no matter how much you try to persuade me. =P Why do you ask, though?
    Fawful. I'm currently playing the third game in the Mario & Luigi series and so far I'm loving it! (I even gained a new respect for Bowser... <3).
    Unfortunately, you caught me at a bad time; I'm gonna be eating dinner now. ^^;
    Parents are always fussy when they see they're child not get a good mark. One bad grade is not the end of the world; it just shows that you gotta try harder with whatever subject it is that you got the bad grade in. If it's multiple bad grades... uh, I dunno what to say. :|
    Because I was supposed to stay away from this site in order to properly concentrate on my education but look what I'm doing right now. T_T

    And I may just be overreacting (I probably am) but you don't seem to be okay with the way you typed up, "OK...". The three dots aren't necessary. =P
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