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  • *Mega FACE PALM* That's not exactly a good solution, Scy.

    Anyway, if you haven't noticed I was gone for a while, and now I'm back. I learned something during that time period: I totally fail at focusing. T_T
    I'd do it in a heartbeat man. I know what it doesn, but really.

    The only problem is no one FEELS inferior. I mean, sure, if someone has a shit day and you jump INTO the subject itself, quite wrong there. But you see, by avoiding it, it's like stepping on eggshells. No one wants that, when they be sick. THAT makes them feel inferior, makes them feel wrong. Notory especially. She hates being treated differently because of the cancer. She's still human, just...someone that needs a conversation, s'all. A fiddling, kind of. Like a Rubik's Cube, idle distraction that's there for you and fun, light, whatnot.

    I'm not cursing at you, just wanted to make that part clear. And yeah, she does. We talk there a lot, so does Tim.
    She's fine, you worry face.

    You do realize what cancer does right? Don't give me any of that 'suckish' shit you pull, man, won't work. It's having POISON pumped through your BLOODSTREAM. This is the cure for it. They lose their hair, become very weak, tired, and in some cases a mad itching, heat pulses that feel like you've been in the desert for day, the like.

    Way I know this? Runs in the family. People fromhere have died from it. She's a tough kid, but everyone has a limit to what they can do. You try being in that situation. Actually, I don't know yours at all, either you're low on money or some kid in a mansion, big house, whatever. If you were the second/ then that would be harded to imagine, but you'd FALL harder too.And something tells me you wouldn't be able to completely handle it...I dunno.

    So if she isn't online for a few days, leave it *be.* I still don't see how your "MUST...MAKE..A..THREAD'' message helps at all and if it's a personal gag, that's sick. Go help her, twit. With words.

    Note that I'm not pissed off, this is how I talk.
    Anyway, here's my topic: I heared you have a cyndaquil, so i wondered wether you have a totodile too. IF you do, im willing to give you someting for it(if you want to trade)...MANAPHY!(You really want one dont you?)
    Seriously, I give you my explict (spelling) permission to read our conversation. Just this once.

    And I believe we get in arguments often because we both hate being wrong. Or something.

    Oh! I've purchased the Japanese Rosetta Stone, and I've imported Soul Silver.^_^

    On a different note, I have EXTREME posion (spelling) ivy.
    Nope. I promised myself that I would stop convo-stalking Typh; in other words, I am completely ignoring all messages that Typh posts to other people's profile unless she gives me permission (which I doubt). And I meant arguments in general, not just with her. =P

    Good for you! ^^

    Ooh, that sucks. I never had poison ivy before, so I have no clue how to help you treat it. =/

    You just always seem like a LAAAAAAARGE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM to me, so. I'll kick yer arse with either my Cydna or my Ice-weilding Toto, hamface.
    OHH, now I get it. I thought you were referring to your argument with Yami. And you and Typh don't like each other? Since when? O_o

    ...Now that I think about it, you always seem to get into arguments. ^^;; I wonder why's that?
    Skroy, I can't put up with others being terrible to my friends. You know that. Along with the fact she used my fic to start a fight.

    And don't you just love her usertitle? It's simply at the pinicle (spelling) of maturity.

    And mine is a referance (spelling) on how Typh and I... Well, you're a convo-stalker.
    I also don't like others being mean to my friends but I know when to not butt into a heated discussion (sometimes. =/). And actually, she just ripped your story apart to pieces, not provoke a fight. I haven't seen her profile yet, so I have no clue what you're talking about. ^^

    Uh, I stopped convo-stalking— really! I don't know what's going on between you two. =P
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