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  • And the usertitle is a referance (spelling) to Typh.
    True, but the discussion going on between her and Butterfree is none of your business; don't stick your nose into something where your presence is not required. All you're doing is giving Yami a reason to not like you.

    And how does your user title reference Typh?
    No reason, really. I thought it'd be something cunstructive (spelling) to do.
    Yeah, I'm gonna ask the same question you asked Yami: why are you so eager to fight with her? I find that everything you've been saying to her so far has been a provocation.

    And yes, I have a weak vocabulary as my user title states. =( Speaking of which, in your user title what does "animosity" mean?

    EDIT: Never mind, I just looked it up. =P
    No, its not legal even if you own the game. Straight form nintendo.com:

    Can I Download a Nintendo ROM from the Internet if I Already Own the Authentic Game?

    There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a "second copy" rule and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you have one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to have a second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy is an infringing copy. The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or destruction of the authentic. Therefore, whether you have an authentic game or not, or whether you have possession of a Nintendo ROM for a limited amount of time, i.e. 24 hours, it is illegal to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet.

    But again, millions of people do it. Its not like ur gonna get in trouble.
    Actually, you began with the roms, which lead to the mention of the music. Only reason I won't download an actual rom/emulator is it buggers up everything on my PC.
    Thats what I meant. I dont even want an emulater on my computor. Mostly because according to nintendo roms and emulaters are illegal. But like I said to glitchedgamer, its not like the fbi is going to come bursting through your doors.
    Well, I need a new emulator. Which I need to get my mum to download, since she's the administrator. And she's sleeping.

    Unless a certain dragon will send it to me via e-mail.

    i like it DDD: When you say everything you mean..? Did I completely go off track and forget what we were talking about?
    There will be this Police guy (misuse of capitalization- unless he's really called 'Police guy') who will ask you.

    You're (homonym)help.
    I'm not even near that part; in fact, I just got the running shoes! (I'm trying to complete another game before playing Soul Silver, so I'll probably restart the game at a later time).
    here (homonym)
    I can understand that, but where do I go just for the beginning of the game? I never played Gold, Silver or Crystal.
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