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  • Lucky, i suppose you'll be missing for a few days then. I have to wait until it actually comes out. No biggy. I'll just save up quarters in my jar...
    *wants game, stares at shiney info on Serebii*
    JotNG-people that joke when someone dies. The day we find out. A classmate. That I particularly liked, too.


    Oh, and apperently I sweat the plaugue and tuberculosis and cancer.

    Don't try and figure it out, what these kids say. i tried.
    What I dont get is: Even if you walk around with like arceus people act normal. In reality they would be like "O_O;; UMM.....HI....I GUESS.......*runs away*" XD
    lol, i never would have guessed.

    Scyther is one of my favorites too, it's the only bug type i really like, actually. I have it in most of my teams as soon as i can. I spent two days at the slots in Red saving up coins so that i could get one. (Recently, i play the old games a lot.)
    I'm more about strength and speed, i've never really been good with defense. Most of the pokemon i liked when i didn't really know anything about stats were ones who hit fast and hard anyway.
    And HG/SS's sprites are pissing me the fuck off. What's with Goldeen aaaargh[/unrelated]

    But fuck yeah Seaking *shot*
    Um. I should probably leave TCoD for a few hours before my bad mood infects the rest of my writing aaargh
    I keep a flying type around because i usually don't get a Psychic type, and i like being able to take out fighting types and avoiding ground types. It's also really useful if you're out in the middle of nowhere and your pokemon gets poisoned and you find out your our of antidotes. If i'm in a cave i'm just screwed though, cause i don't keep escape ropes around and i never teach my pokemon Dig...
    Okay. Imagine one of those little dosage cups where you check the dosage of liquid medicen, like Tylenol and stuff, for the kiddies.

    Imagine that filled to the brim with pills, a good lot of them blue. Now imagine someone taking half of those large pills in one go, wait until night comes, and take the rest.

    That is a 'cocktail' if you will, of medications.

    ...how's this hard though? o.o
    No, actually, and that's just Butterfree's opinion. She's not always right, just cos she's the admin of the site.

    I'll stop being cynical now and actually take a look. :<
    I'm a fire type person.
    Are you going to keep Togepi on your team? i think i'm just going to hatch it and then put it in a box until i've beaten the game. I want a Crobat for my flying type.
    Why don't you just wait another few months? In English, you'll be able to.. play better.

    Unless you're going to get an English version of whatever you don't get. Ugh.
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