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  • No, I did delete it. was gonna transfer it via PM, but that shut down. To type that up would be a problem, and I do have to take my carpal tunnel medication.
    Kay. I just checked The Spriters Resourse though, they have the little sprites that Follow you around and the OW characters.
    I still need the new sprites for the pokemon though.

    Hows your pestering going?
    But still just cos you have a Japanese/*language of choice* dictionary doesn't mean you know that language. One letter/character misplaced might make a big difference in what you understand the sentence to mean, and translating the entire game is gonna be a pain. What if you're stuck somewhere, and you can't ask anyone ingame what to do 'cause you keep mistranslating?

    And 'sides, it's hard to understand a language with just a dictionary. I've tried it in French class; doesn't work.

    Unless you've already played through GSC, in which case I will just shut up. Haaa. I'm waiting another five/four/whatever months 'til the English version, I've waited a few years I can wait a few damned months. >:/

    I'm going to see if anyone at The spriters resourse has ripped the sprites yet, i'm thinking about making a comic, sorta.
    Ghasp! whatever gave it away!? Maybe it's the little thing that says: Female...
    I still eat people wehn they call me a guy.
    Are you excited abotu HG and SS?
    I should be doing my homework now, so... talk to ya later, Scy. And good luck finding the ROM.
    Sorry that I'm not much help. The ROM is 128 MB itself, whereas when it is zipped, it is 58.7 MB instead.
    The maximum amount of MB I can send is 10.0 and the zipped file is a little over that limit.
    Stop it! You're (homonym decision; you meant 'your') logic makes kittens cry :()
    I take it that you don't want me to proofread all your messages, yes?
    Well, we're not participating per say (despite how it sounds, it's spelt as 'se'. By the way, what does "per se" mean exactly?), you, (omit) we'd actually be writing the battles. But at any rate, that's (contraction) OK. Collage (spelling; this word is spelt with an 'e': college) can be time-consuming (spelling).

    ^Tell me when you are starting to get annoyed by this because I don't want to be annoying.
    Thank you for being considerate, Scy. And besides, you should know that I'm really slow at writing, as I've mentioned numerous times during the summer.

    Also, the ROM is already zipped and it's still too big to send.
    tornoment (spelling)

    That sounds interesting. But, again, I'm not sure if I can participate.
    Humerous. (spelling)

    But no, it is a coincedance (spelling),(omit) beleive (spelling) it or not.
    My main source to download ROMs is now gone, so I pretty much just search Google. Watch out, though, some sites require that you pay to download the rom or they may give your computer a virus.
    Because I asked her if she would like to co-write with me if we can come up with a good story idea. Either what you said was purely coincidental or you convo-stalked us.
    ...Have you been stalking my conversation with BlazieAura by any chance?

    Also, I can't send it to you; the file is too big to send. You will have to find a way to download the ROM instead.
    Well, you can speak with someone that you don't like without insulting their every move. You found his experiment annoying and ridiculous because he's an attention seeker and ha a slightly personality disorder which mose people qualify as a brain disorder.

    Hey, I have a brain disorder that makes my hands shake profusely, wanna come here and insult me?

    Exactly. So I'm not scot-free and neither are you. Not ripping anyone's head off, this is just the way I speak.
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