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  • Ibiku, you know her? Probably not, but along with coming onto this forum a while ago I know her in real life. I wrote a story and, because I was just so happy with it, showed it to everyone who would take the time to read it. This of course included Ibiku.
    I gave her a copy of the story, an email-ed word document, and she posted it here claiming it as hers.
    That's it.
    I suppose I can cut the suspension period to a month, since stuff does happen, but it's really your responsibility to meet your DQ times to the best of your ability, or somehow get the message out that you won't be around. I know that's not always possible, but I'm not going to be handing out pardons just because somebody has X reason for not being around. Not only does that leave me having to decide what constitutes a "good enough reason," but anybody can lie about what caused them to be absent anyway.
    same here but i don't mention it :<


    Alright, know that I salute you for having proper grammar and spelling on Wii Internet! :o Amaarzinggggg

    Someone appreciates my crap? Woo yeah aargh

    I'll rant about something.. later. I don't feel like making walls of text right now. :<
    Alright :3

    School's a bitch too, but I can be sarcastic about it! Yay! Our school is K-8, and I'm grade 8 now so we're the oldest in the school and everything gets blamed on us! My worst enemy is in the same class as me for the third year straight! The grade 7s are all faggots and all my friends've graduated! Hooray, Dragon is a loner and has to put up with everyone's shit since they won't put up with hers!

    And everyone likes Twilight. :P I'm serious, everyone.

    So yeah, school is great.
    Ooh. That'll be hard.. Erm, I'm not very good with advice, but I'd say to tell them as soon as you can. And get it over with, what can they tell you? If you don't believe, then you can't be forced to, it's.. not possible.
    Christian, though you might say selective. I believe in the Trinity, though unlike some I know I'm a sinner and yeah.

    I think there's nothing wrong with swearing since words are words. People who make fun of other people because of what they believe are faggots since those people don't know better, and they might be wrong.

    ..This suddenly got awkward. How 'bout you?
    Um.. I don't pay much attention to it and it's nice.

    My doctor is scary :D *shot*
    Didn't help me, since I don't have a Java editing program, again :<

    Only that it's hard for a thirteen year old girl to learn without a Java editing program :P
    Sorry! I had to log off there.

    Erm, it'd be really, really inconvienient for me to go PlatinumFi right now, so sorry. >_o
    Ah you're finally back!

    Edit: Oh you werent as inactive as I though. It seems im more active than you, lol. Btw, do you plan to RP anymore?
    Okay, on my way there.

    And what's your FC? *maybe we shouldn't go right now I have to go in a few minutes*
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