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  • Yeaaaah but then where are we going? Pokemon Center, Jubilife WiFi place, what?

    Or BATTLE FRONTIER oh wait haha
    Alright, but what are we going to be doing? Trading, battling, mixing records, Wifi plaza?
    Alright, copypasta fresh from the Records Office~

    Name: Dragon
    Friend Code(s): 2836 1531 6851-Pearl, 1118 7047 0743-Platinum
    Role: N/A
    Alright, though I have to go.. soon.

    Um, my Pokemon FCs are here somewhere, I'll go find them.
    Oh uh, I've made three challenges already, and have like, four battles in progress. I think.

    Not too sure about Typh.
    Um.. I have a few games that're WiFi, but they're all
    games the other person has to have too. Lessee..

    Animal Crossing
    Digimon World Dawn

    My other games are either on a new save file and so; suck, I'm forgetting a few,
    or aren't.. possible to WiFi with. You have any of those games, or..?
    I asked, in the signature, for you to provide a reference. Otherwise, I have nothing to work on.
    Alright. :3

    Kai made my avvie~

    From his sig, he'll make one for anyone who asks and gives him a ref*erence*.

    Alright, 's this okay?
    Hullo thar~

    And of course! I realized a few seconds after I took your match that since I knew Darksong then the battle would be slightly biased, and the opportunity to know you came up, so!

    And if I knew you were grounded I would've given you some more time. :o I could make it up to you, somehow..
    uh, crap. yore ASB thread's being stupid *again* so can you VM/PM/somehow inform me of your attacks/commands? :p
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