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  • If you want, since you could just post something like 'it was night over *place* and *character* looked up at the moon'.
    Oh wait I already did finish her form haha

    Where are we, what should we be doing, and all? :3
    Please explain 'cause I don't feel as if you're giving me a hard time. I'm just lazy is all. =P
    Yep, since you started the thread. :3

    Unless you specifically nudge say, me, and then I would, probably.

    Which reminds me, I better go finish Sierra's form *runs off*
    ...And how do you clone?
    I only cloned a dawn stone(only one I managed- tried it on my level 100 female salamance called brutalina, though, and didnt work), and it made by ds(both) stop working for 24 hours.
    ...You know what? I'm not interested. No offense, the idea itself just doesn't appeal to me enough to join.
    Gosh, is there a pokemon you dont have?
    Tell me, and maybe I have it.

    P.S. Legendaries dont count, altohugh i giratina, Dialga, Origin Giratina, Darkrai, Manaphy, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mewtwu, Groudon, and Rayquaza. Meh.
    Well, I've been in an artful mood lately and as you know I've only posted my works in my art albums. I mean, nobody really looks at them. =P
    A lucky guess... *coughireaditbutiforgetanywaycough*

    Hey, I got a question: should I make an art thread?
    Want a freshly hatched Sinnoh/kanto starter,
    Larvitar, Dratini, Bagon, Gible, or Eevee for a (semi-rare) berry and a (insert pokemon name here)?
    I don't like being such a dramatic person but... it just happens! O_o

    ...Let me guess: you're getting into a fight with somebody because he/she is dissing one of your friends and you just happened to step into the middle of their battle. If that's the case, here's a tip: don't get yourself caught in between a battle that you have no business being in; you're only going to worsen the situation.
    Heh, heh... ^.^;;
    I guess we're both a bunch of drama queens then. I'm trying to change that; I mean, I'm overly anxious of the response I get from one person (need I spell it out?). I could do so much better than that. I just gotta... believe in myself a bit more.
    Why the capitalization? -.-
    And by materials, I mean second-hand books, books that I have to study from in order to pass my classes. I can purchase them all at my college's book store luckily. :D
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