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  • No. I am however, listening to every song, have repeated the Jotho wild battle several times, and am currently drawing a Pokemon fight for my school project.

    ...before you ask, it's a personaility bag.

    And eh. I'm a massive jackass that will bark at anyone that speaks to me. I don't intend on changing for the good of the world if I'll eventually stray smewhat from society, anyhow.

    Oh, and try not to whine so much. I'll be dead in four years, someone might know, might not. I'll leave it up to chance this time.
    Maybe. It depends on the size of the ROM though. And I have a flash cart, so an emulator for me is not necessary. =P
    Okay then, I'll play it then replay it once it's out over here in America. I've never played a Japanese Pokémon game before and I'm excited about it.
    It seems no one understands the concept of friendship any more (you meant to use anymore).

    Soooooo... no collagw (spelling) tommorow (spelling), right? We'll have to cellabrate (spelling).
    The fact that you are creating a sketchbook for your friend whom I shall assume to be a girl your age practically says how much she means to you as a friend. However, I am a sucker for romance so I see things differently and interpret your activity as a hint that you have a crush on your friend.

    And yes, there's no college tomorrow thankfully. On the other hand, I have homework to work on, so we can't celebrate just yet. :(

    EDIT: Geez, I was eating dinner at the time! :(
    Heh heh, My shipping senses are tingling....
    (^Pay no real mind to this; I have this habit of pairing up two people if I see that they go well together. =P)
    Oh, did I tell you that I'm making a sketchbook of pictures for my one (and only) real-life (omit the dash) friend?

    And I got to (diction) my Mum's house and I can finaly (spelling) type from a computor (computer). ^-^
    No, you never told me that. That's really nice of you to do, though. Good luck with it! =D
    Alright, you finally admit it! ^w^

    And since when did you turn 13? In fact, you never told me when your birthday was. Had I known when it was, I would've made you a gift. ;~;
    Taking that side, (comma placement) then?

    An an (omit) ANIAMAL (spelling). Intellagent (spelling) animals such as us can't help but think about it every once in a while.

    ...I sound defensive. Gah.

    ^I'm not perfect, obviously, but I am doing the best I can at correcting here. I may be unable to spot certain mistakes or I might even correct a word/passage wrong without realizing it. (For instance, I'm not sure if the comma in the first line is used correctly but I'm pretty sure it isn't.)
    ...Stop trying to be evasive and just admit it. =P There's nothing to be ashamed of.
    I wanted to see it (this sounds vague to me; please elaborate) for humarous (spelling = humorous purposes, more or less. It'd be kind of intresting (spelling = interesting).

    At least I'm not obbsessed (spelling = obsessed).

    Um, your gender doesn't define your obsession. In truth, it doesn't even matter at all. =P

    Grammar usage is basically what I'm looking for. =P

    I thought you should know, in case you didn't know already:

    "Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it."
    "Rule 35: An addendum of the internet rules stating that if there is no porn of it, it will be made."
    "Rule 36: If it exists, someone has a fetish for it. No exceptions."

    And wow, I never thought YOU would consider ASKING ME for a link. O_o
    If you just randomly died there would be no way for anyone here to know, expesialy considering that you have no terminal conditions we know of.
    If you left a note, there's little chance that I would belive you. Mostly because twelve-0year-olds aren't very common candidates for such things.
    [to you're (spelling = your) message] <- (If you make a mistake in your writing, I'll do my best to correct it; careful proofreading is essential to pass one of my courses).

    ..............................Wow...................just wow. I never would've guessed it. And if you happen to look at Poképorn, then I DEFINITELY never would've guessed it. 0_0
    And you don't have to be ashamed admitting it. ^w^
    How would we ever know you died if we don't know who you are in real life? I would definitely miss you and hopefully I'll be able to shed real tears (don't take this the wrong way but I have the inability to shed tears).

    And the note.... It all depends on what you say that will lead me to believe it (but I take a lot of things by face value, so there's a high chance of me believing it).
    Probably. If you're convo stalking me and Typh though you would do well to find the link there. I don't want to whine and call attention to it anymore.
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