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  • The way I see it, Facebook is just a way to keep in touch with friends in real life. By creating an account, at least I'll keep in touch with the new friends I'm making in real life. :)
    I've been thinking it over and I've finally came to a decision: meh, why the hell not? I'll just make one to see the site. :P
    Your work?
    Well, I've yet to actually draw something with the tablet; in fact, I'm still trying to get use to it. ^^;
    Hence why I said: "[...] it's your problem, not mine." =P

    Zritts is a name I created while I was in kindergarten during "playtime" (as my teacher put it). It was a time where I was— dare I say it— a total retard. The name had no meaning at first, but then sometime this year I remembered and now that I look back on it, there is meaning to it (but you would have to be me to get a complete understanding of why this name is so significant to me). So here now I am putting 'Zritts' to use.

    By the way, have I told you yet that I now have my Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet? :D
    No... When I see glasses, or my reflection wearing glasses that are of a certain size reminds me of a certain asshole I hate and by "I hate" I mean that I hate said person so much I would rather revive stalin(a russian psycho) than see him again.

    Got it?
    Well, I'm going to die in November. :D

    There's NaNo, and I still have no idea what I'm doing *pffft 's tommorow crapcrapcrap* and Maple Story is gonna get re-downloaded sooner or later. So yeah um. :3
    You don't have to call me Zritts if you don't want to, so just take your pick. =P To you, I'm still the same Skroy Horitz you know and love. To my consicence and my mentality (and just about everybody else), however, I am now known as Zritts, an entity of mine who I created that is a better representation of myself.

    And bad, Scy, you should be taking notes in World History class. But meh, it's your problem, not mine.
    All I did was announced a fact and I supported with evidence. (This is a common routine when informing others). ^^; In fact, anybody could've proven the fact that Pikachu was male granted that they watched the episode. =P (And now that we know Pikachu & Piplup are male, I wonder what this could mean?).

    Facts are facts, and all I did was presented one in my own words. However, I never stated my opinion that is worth arguing over. That's what the Debating Hall is all about: opinions that are elaborated on, not logic that is acknowledged. I happen to lack the sufficient means to properly express my opinions on a subject due to a weak vocabulary and neutral views. End of story.
    Hmm.... I'm thinking about making a Facebook account just to see what all the hype is about. =P It's not like I'm going to use it or anything, but it would be better to experience the activities hands-on to gain a better understanding as to why it is so popular, you know what I'm saying?
    More of a defense mecanism, mostly since I wanted to correct that last bit. True, depending on people is neccesary. I just don't do it often.

    And if you think I don't myself the way the way I want to, explain why I lick birds and my best friend is an online one. (OK, You were obviously going further with that. Please do.)

    ...don't...what yourself? You missed something.
    ..actually, I was going in more of an namisng system. A bit of a metaphor really. not implying you actually chased down admins, really, rather the chasing *down* part I needed you to concentrate on. If you'd look, I did mention kings and queens as well. almost what an admin would be in a forum enviroment. I speak in metaphors when I get into conversations, mostly, I thought people wouldn't get i. Throw 'em something familiar, you know? what I'm trying to say is don't chase down people, period. Don't care so much about what they think- rather, carry yourself the way you want to, and let it be seperate. Of course if you do *want* to be dependant on people, more power to you. Just make sure you're happy, cause that's what people strive for, a comfort zone if you will.

    However, I respect your wish and let this be.
    Wait, you're atheist? But I thought.... Actually, never mind, it doesn't matter.

    Honestly, I believe in the crossroads and reincarnation. Why? Because I just do. =P (This is mainly why I won't post in the Debating Hall: lack of explanations).
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