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  • Oh, cool! *fistbumps back*

    *I ran out of happy smilies D:* (Invader Zim! Yay gir! Poor Annie... Same with me. I was just sad. (Was it district 8?) Of course he cheats. :/ He's Pikachu. They really should fix that. )

    ((I always wondered how he knew, though, when he was stuck in the pokeball...))

    Did you get the shiny suicune? I lost my DS, so I don't have it, and I've looked all around and today's the last day... I did get entei though.
    You better.

    ((GAH I think Green saw this convo and removed his avvy to annoy me.))
    Apparently both of us have just returned after an extended absence. Or maybe you were only gone for a week, i dunno.
    Yay you're vack!! You should restore your avvie so I don't assume your gone.*

    ((* In my mind, a member who normally has an avvy who remvoes their = gone))
    Cloudy Tribute to build up for when he comes back?^_^
    And what's wrong with your computer right know?
    :-) (We still have the cartoon! I expected him to die too. But of course the author developed his character first :( I wasn't that upset after Prim died. They didn't develop her that much, other than Katniss being really protective of her. (I REMEMBER NOW! HER NAME WAS RUE!) It would be good if they didn't make those mistakes again, but they can't really fix it after it's on air other than pointlessly editing A LOT of episodes...)

    ((So did Misty. But that was kind of cute. :) ))
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