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  • ;) (It would've been good, except they just should've actually watched the show. It was realistic, though, but I would've preferred Finnick not to die. (Maybe I should look it up?) They probably don't care that much, if they let that happen time after time.)

    ((Yeah, she's more important, though. I hope if they do show Max again, he has that ralts... me neither.))
    Personally, I'm surprised no one has hit the lovers yet. But it's not like the mafia actually /needs/ to in order to win.

    That's my best drawing of Cloudsong (looking at this screenshot), wearing a shirt with cookies on it. But where did you get Snorlax baking them...?
    ^.^ (Yeah. Sometimes they really screw up reboots or movies for books. I liked Finnick and Prim... I was so sad when they and that one girl from the first book (I remember everything except the name!) died. Sometimes you get that impression with things, you know? Like how on the anime they have electric moves effect ground types.)

    ((But they didn't exist back then! And was the ralts confirmed to be male? I thought it was, but I'm not sure.))
    :3 (yeah, it wasn't that good (plus it didn't have Mai! She's like my favorite character!) and they had a huge pronounciation problem but I saw it anyway.)

    ((:D. I'm glad you like it! Yeah, I think it's from the one where Max finds a ralts and Jessie dresses up as a gardevoir.)
    :] (I've watched the cartoon and the movie(s). It's from the cartoon one.)

    ((Really? That's too bad. I can see it. Well, I uploaded it here on TCoD in my albums, so you can check there.)
    :) (No, it's a name from Avatar. But I probably would've thought the same thing if I didn't know. :3)

    ((Also, since you'll be needing an avatar, I might as well help in your search. Pictures maaaybe up in a sec!))
    Oh. The mafia Don didn't send in an action on Night 2 so the goon sent a backup note to kill you. Didn't I put that on Day 3...?

    Either way—I've finished Cloudsong's drawing!
    I was going to find you some avatars, but I couldn't find the site where I found most of mine. I found this, though:
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