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  • ...it's also real, it's also real...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (Why not?)


    Meh, I bought some skittles, want one?


    Turns out I already had an idea. I think I'm done, although the personality section might be a bit lacking.
    ...why not, why not...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (How so?)


    DAMN HIM *Chases with hacksaw*


    ...Again, what's your point? (it's spelled "you're")
    And spit porblems. xD

    ...I'm devoid of ideas. xD

    Nah, it's okay. I'm happy with my Kumashun profile picture <3
    I hear it's amazing when the Purple-stuffed worm in Flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw-blink on Hara-kiri Rock! I need scissors! 61!
    ...it stilll has apples, it still has apples...

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::? (Yeah, why not?)


    ...Yeah, what's your point?


    Your point being?
    I'll join as soon as I think of a character. I have an idea that might work, but I'm not sure if you'd want me to have a character that you have to go back and get because she can't leave the lab by herself. Do you think that would be an interesting plot twist?
    I found the Feebas fishing spot on Sapphire before I learned it meant 6 tiles, not 6 squares formed by the coast.

    You can do it if you believe you can, ^^
    Camels, llama, alpacas... They're all funny animals.


    Nah... I'd still be embarassed xD
    Silver: I need to go to bed now. I then need to get up in less than four hours and go to a competition until about 9:00 PM. I'll finish the conversation later. So um... G'night. and...*kisses silver* um... yeah.

    *logs off*
    Um... sure I guess, I could probably do them all pretty quick, but they won't look as nice as I'll focus on quantity rather than quality.
    Wouldn't be Blade, would it?

    *senses trouble because silver is grumbling* uh oh.

    *well, yeah. but, normally, I'm very shy and actually, polite. if you can believe that.*

    I know. I just like that I'm not failing any classes. (fine. what else did you want to talk about?)

    Well, just ask to quit.

    burned somebody without warning them.

    *they're hilarious. I love the stuff they do.* (well, do you?)

    it's so bad being sick. nothing bugs me more than a sore throat.

    ((as far as you know.) and limes can be sweet.)


    It has to do with a comment Blade made about silver, as a joke. And the whole thing is a bit wierd. but it doesn't have anything to do with silver, really.
    ...but it is made with apples, but it is made with apples...

    ::::::::::::? (His name is awesome, his real(?) name)



    Yeah, and my chin is getting sore.

    So you say.
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