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  • What do you mean by donuts?



    for other people, not particularly for me.

    he won't faint. I have revives and Max potions (and dragonties CAN breathe underwater.)

    Blade had a friend who used to do this to be funny while Blade's friend was playing Four-square. Blade still likes the idea of a Gallade army, just not the GPX + idea.


    Well, the self inflicted pain had a point. And I agree, it was hilarious.

    Not really. (he can warp)

    (...)*Sees exploding sun* *uses dive*

    Blade sees. But Blade thinks that talking in third person is a bit difficult to do. And Blade thinks that GPX+ is a waste of time, gallade army or not. (no offense)
    I wanted to get sky but I never saw it in any shops.

    Ah, that's why I have Time and Dark. One or two pokemon in my Dark team have got absolutely maxed stats (a bit too much free time on my part) so I use them to save my other team. Two DSs also helps.
    Dear, that's bad. I don't like errors. :/

    It's going to be alright! :D Posts are just... posts.

    Yeahhh I got nothin'. :( Don't be sad; you can always get them back if you wish!


    That's not the point. But yes, it was pretty funny (and painful)

    So? it's just a bunch of water. *keeps surfing*

    (American?) *uses Thunderbolt*

    Blade won't blame silver for stuff silver doesn't know. But blade wonders why silver is talking about silver in third person. Not really. I don't really get the whole point of them. (please don't kill me for my opinion)


    I think I have too many dragons...( *slaps self* What am I saying? you can never have to many dragons.)

    *calls out dragonite and uses surf to swim off the island* (ask me any question about the main series games and I can probably answer it.)

    (I'm normally not good with names.) *turns into dragonite*

    not really. I'm going into chicago tomorrow, and right now I'm struggling to finish reffing an ASB battle. (I want to get paid his week.) Oh. I really don't like all those, so he can have those gallade. BUT THE REST ARE MIIIIEEN!!!


    I think I have about 30-31 ish.

    *turns around and runs away from cliff*

    (I knew it. ) *the sun explodes*

    I tried, but it was too hard! don't have time to make things pixel by pixel. NO GALLADE IS MIEN!!!


    *Dragonite eats donut* You're lucky. Dragons are very picky. (How many dragon pokemon do you have?)

    *Keeps running* (I only have the stuff in games memorized)

    (Anju sounds like it's japanese) *candy cane pieces explode*

    Well, sorry to say, I officially gave up spriting. (for the same reason I gave up EV training) You mean his favorite pokemon?
    Glaceon suck >; The ones on floor 10 knew Ice Fang! My lead thingy is a Leafeon so it was, like, ow. I got out mostly unscathed, though. I have a ton of extra Escape Orbs (I found one while rescuing you, even) so I went ahead and sent one:
    -&%2-@ Y3T++0 #YK6Q3
    S39&TJ C-X35S N0SKM%
    7TSY== H4SRQK 6N@8X@
    Alrighty, getting started on this now. Do you have an escape orb to bail with in case you want to level up some more before you try again? I think maybe I can send one your way if you don't have one. I saw something about it on the menu but I don't really remember much about sending items. <_>
    And I try to be nice, unless there's a really good reason for me to not be :p If I can do something to help somebody (and I actually feel not-lazy) then I more than probably will.


    It comes from the word "tepid", which means warm, and the word "pig", which means pig.

    *dragonite turns back into a dragonite* IT WON'T WORK, SILVER! RUN!! *runs*

    *Throws grenade while running* (Iron, Protein, Calcium, Carbos, Zinc, HP Up, PP Up, PP Max)

    (compared to all the other names I've heard, it is.) *candy cane explodes*

    Well, I still like Katana. (also, I've just been made an admin on oceanic's site. and I'm in the mall right now, and I just heard Yule Shoot Your Eye Out. I'm happy.)
    Assuming PMD is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon then yes: Blue, Time and Dark. I only know where Dark and Time are I think, maybe only Time. However I cannot reach them at this point in time.

    Why do you ask?
    Sure! Sorry, I went to bed since then so sorry I missed you (I had a nightmare just now that woke me up and I'm going back to sleep now but that's neither here nor there)- next time you get on just give me the password and I'll give it a go.
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