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  • Done! My rank went up from Ultra to Hyper on account of this. >:3 And I found a nice Royal Gummi for my favorite Garchomp too. Here's the A-OK Mail:
    0NQ&R0 5WT84N @J0MN5
    1Y#NFS RR&76= 64XH=+
    Okay, that password worked :3 I'll let you know if/when I rescue you. It's been a while but I think I should be able to. :x
    Hey man, where are you stuck at on PMD Sky? I've beaten the game so there's a pretty good chance I might be able to rescue you. :o
    Eh, it didn't have much of a plot, and was kind of a spur-of-the-moment roleplay... and I also need to think of a better title and stop being so negative about it if I am going to bring it back. And I'll probably need to wait for my history project to settle down a little (that is, until March) to be able to DM it.
    I know. They make such a good balance, except for me it's SS and Sky. I think I'll go on a huge house hunt for it tomorrow. Really, the idea is kind of intimidating. :(
    I had Sky but it is gone. :(. I only play it on a whim so weeks ago I was like where is my game I need it! But it's gone. D:


    ... Probably


    ...*keeps running* (Sun Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Thunderstone, Dusk Stone, Oval Stone, Dawn Stone, Shiny Stone, Hard Stone.)

    understandable. (well, I think Anju is a bit too different) *Boom*

    It's like Fall Out Boy, said , kupo. "the songs you grow to like never stick at first", kupo.

    My friend's starts on wednesday.

    What do you mean by Burade?


    I like Katana. That new Dark/Steel type pokemon that looks like a living blade is called Komatana. Remove the om, and there you go.

    0-0. Silver. You NEVER tackle a Dragonite.*dragonite uses hyper beam*

    ...Ew. *runs* (Once, I aksed my friend to name all of the evolutionary items. He missed Sun Stone. When he asked himself "HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED SUN STONE?!" I replied with. "Maybe it's because you're not very bright.")

    Well the only name I've been able to come up with is a last name. (Vensette.) I usually take different names. (Because Joe, Andy, Patrick and Pete are all normal-ish names compared to ones like Anju.) (*BOOM*)

    Not really, kupo. It's been a while since you mentioned it, kupo, and I thought that it was actually kind of funny after a while, kupo.

    About 2 hours ago.


    what do you mean by that?

    ...I found three that it could be. Either Ken, Yaiba, or Katana. (I like the last one)

    ...*catches candy and feeds it to his Lvl. 95 dragonite*

    ..Or am I? *shot* (sort of. I've heard a ton of puns.)

    Why would you name your children-to-be after Anime charachters? (I know. I've nearly exploded with anticipation)

    I guess I changed my mind, kupo.

    also... CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!
    I'm glad! I sometimes just say that because I want to start a conversation but I have nothing to talk about. :3
    I know, right?

    Don't ask.

    Same here, the top student was top in science, english, math, and about three other classes. It is scary how good she is.

    Yeah, much.

    I think he would tell us if he was. TO THE LAUGHING CUPBOARD!


    I named a charmander Flamme. (it means fire in german. or flame. ) Archeos is still more epic.

    Oh. I can look it up sometime soon.

    *keeps running, wont fall for that again*

    ...Joking. (Don't pecome a Pun Nazi. that's no fun.)

    Oh. So they're from anime. Cant' wait to see it.

    ... I just don't like moogles, that's all. But I like saying kupo, kupo.


    ...Well, I think Archeos is the most epic name for a pokemon. And there is nothing that can top it. (charmander is 'Salameche' in french)

    That would be good.


    Well, it's a negative compliment at that. (I personally think you're a bit oddish... Wait...)

    But they're all from RPs. And speaking of Leon and RPs, how is Leon coming along?

    Not really, kupo. I think the umbreon in a santa hat would have been better, but whatever you want it to be, kupo.


    Aaken and Archeos. (more awesome...HA)

    Hey, that makes me wonder... What's Blade in japanese?


    Whichever you want to.

    -_- Are they all from RPs?

    quite awesome, kupo.
    Fix it how? ALSO,

    How you doing?

    I like to say that as well (How's it going is a fun variation, I probably say that more often), but 'I dunnooooo' is really fun too. :)
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