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  • Blade apoligizes for not replying, because blade was in Chicago all day yesterday.

    Yay! Silver's an ASBer!(again!) Now, all you have to do is get a team and make a profile (once you get approved.)

    Wait... your patience is represented by donuts?



    Oh. then it was funny for you. (how did we get on an island?)

    It's called a fishing pole. And I can see land, anyway.

    O.O scary. Blade asks what a Cyndaglade is.
    Hey, did you ever find a Wonder Mail generator that works? I found this thing earlier today that might be relevant to your interests~
    Things I can breed (novelty): Valentacool,Clone Squirtle,Clone Charmander,Clone Bulbasaur,Winter Vulpix, Easter Buneary, Slime Slugma, Crystal Onix, Remorage.
    So do I. Like using toxic against a zangoose with immunity. :(

    You mean the story, the summary, or what? I've actually played with this story for a while now, but some of the things in there were thought up when I played Blue Rescue Team, though back then I never associated that with my actual playthrough. The summary I just made up, and actually randomly added the mutiny part, but I think that would be a fun scene to imagine. However, now that I think of it, I don't think that'd actually work out, unless I suddenly release half of my team or something by account of a failed mutiny.

    My random ideas come and go, but I rarely actually write them down. I usually remember them, even though I forget other things really often.


    .................SO WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?
    Instead of doing that, I sometimes 'think through' the missions, like a story. I might even make a full-blown thing fanfic, but then I would have to actually plan something out. xD

    Evere (stupid, stupid name) the eevee and Vena the vulpix rarely go out anymore, and have become serious and menacing despite their small stature. They run Team Pokepals (Yes, that's the default, but I made that first! Seriously. My team in blue was pokepals, when the default was 'pokemon'.) with an iron first, despite never actually being seen by most of the team. Every day, the leader of the current group is given a telepathic message (theorized to be from the vulpix, Vena) saying where they will go. Some of the older members who joined before they saved the world (like Drusilla, a dragonair) have become depressed, and regret ever joining. A few members have unofficially become Team Cutie, all going on missions with each other and aspiring to soon make themselves a team of their own. Not many members are there to be a part of the actual team, and some have considered a mutiny, however intimidating it would be against the duo who saved the world.

    So yeah. There are certainly some stupid things in there, and I don't think I'm going to ever post it, since once upon a time I really sucked at writing, even more than now and I'm doubtful of my plotting skills (I can never plan things out). But it's a nice little thing to add upon the story for myself.
    My siblings are annoying enough that they don't deserve to get any pokemon named after them, even a magikarp. >.>

    Poor phione! Apparently I'm on Blizzard Island, but I'm Master Rank already. I think I'll go fight Froslass soon, maybe using my own. :)

    That would be fun! So a two on two, or wait until you get your eevee?
    Yeah, I'm fine. I don't need a riolu or skitty, actually, I already have a skitty. Her name is Skyla.

    So where are you in the storyline? I can't remember exactly where I am... maybe somewhere around froslass, but I think I already rescued Scizor. I'll check.

    That's a good idea, saving money. I probably should've done that!
    I do have one, but I also have a nidoran... you can have it. I'm fine with it as it is. Also, I think Ii have a riolu tail or something like that, if you need it.

    I ended up getting a sableye, cyndaquil, and ralts. Eevee are pretty expensive, so you might have to consider getting a traditional starter. But I don't know, it really depends on how expensive your others are, doesn't it?
    I have most of those, but Fly would be nice. What would you need?

    My team consists of a lot. It's the reason I have over 13 or so (maybe I should check) evenly leveled (at level 21-24! D:) pokemon in Soul Silver. In Sky, I have 33, but those are definitely not evenly levelled.

    That's good that you joined ASB! I like it, but i'm really bad and procrastinate a lot, so yeah. :(
    That's fine! Do you need anything else, perhaps? I have a few evolution things that I don't really need, like a sun stone, king's rock, deep sea scale, and a few other stones. I don't have that many that need to evolve like that, so I'll be fine without it. I also hoard all my TMs and never use them, so I have some of those too.
    Ah, that. I saw those cheats, but never really wanted too try that. Not that interesting for me really, considering I'd have to restart my game.

    I believe I have some, if you need it. Do you want to trade some items, like a yellow one?

    Aww. :(

    That's too bad. My games save fine, luckily. So you got rescued, right?
    Actually, I would let you DM it with someone else, and that someone else can be Shadowstar or... someone else. If you haven't already, you can ask Shadowstar and tell her you have my permission to DM it.
    I already did but yes please. :D

    The purse itself or the gameboy has the pikachu on it? Either way, that's cool. I found my GBA in there as well, so it's probably the answer to all our problems! I hope you find yours soon.
    My mood is a combination of stupidity and :D.

    I found Explorers of Sky! But it was in my gameboy purse, which was hanging up on some pegs the whole time. I could've just opened that the first time I noticed it was gone.
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