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  • JIRACHI AND JIRACHI ONLY. :D (but seriously it's a 100 power steel type future sight.)

    (I had to get up simply because my mom had to work, I have to help my dad, and I couldn't stay home by myself. Same thing tomorrow. -_- Wednesday I get our whole house to myself, so :D (Me hugging markku or me not mentioning it?) Depends on what region we're talking about here.)

    GO WITH YOUR HEART, SILVER. No, I understand. Just very punny, is all.
    ...It's not that I don't have them. It's that just about every single one involves using a computer somehow - typing, music-writing, etc. Why do it on paper when you'd just have to copy it out again, you know?
    ...Well I'm no good at drawing and my parents are fond of limiting the amount of time I can use computers, so...

    Final exam for summer school tomorrow. Don't you love it when math exams are multiple-choice and calculator active?

    (because I have no choice. :C Also cuz I work on very little sleep. (I probably won't mention it, but use it if I need to.) *teleports* Actually it was. And it hurt.)

    Then keep the bear, it's your RP form. See, bear hands are actually paws. Hopefully there isn't a paws in the conversation hehe*shot*

    (... Well I'll give you time to think about the things I thunk before you thought them. (Also good to now the secret weaknesses of people.) -_-;; #Kicked to route 7*)

    Well, you could change it before someone else claims Mienfoo, if you want. But puns are so fun. And don't you mean bear hands? hehe*shot*

    So, I went to a live DCI show last night with the marching band. Tired as all living f**k, but...I would do it all over again.
    Gah, this iPad -~-
    I should be getting to sleep now... I'm not tired butbI have to go to art camp tomorrow... Aishhh. Goodnight, I guess ~
    This is exceedingly strange. I have Zackrai's avatar... Did you change yours? Because I see a jar of Nutella.
    Ohmygosh the what is wrong with this iPad it just totally switched everyone's avatar O.o
    Oh! *ahem* Yeah, I know. She has a bow, but she still manages to get captured.
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