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  • Oh yeah, I sent you the wrong document and had to resend. ^^;;

    Well, they actually don't know that I go on this site or that I do anything on fanfiction.net other than read, so as long as I keep it up until I move out/go to college/go to university... xD
    It is indeed a happy new year, because I got a PSP as an early birthday present :D! I'm going to stay up till' midnight and change my calender at the last second xD
    Ah, fanfiction. Completely forgot about that. Okay, I'll send it soon, then.

    Yeah, my resolution is to get off my butt and write, because this year was pretty bad for writing. I should have been able to do a lot more. I got out, like, five chapters of ADL and have barely started A Divide. (Although, admittedly, the latter needed a lot of refining and planning and I'm now very happy with the plot. =D)

    Haha, if we met it'd have to be away from my parents; they would not be pleased with me having been talking to some random person online. If they could see our conversation...they would be all "YOU'VE GIVEN OUT SO MUC PERSONAL INFO WE BAN YOU FROM THE COMPUTER UNLESS SUPERVISED!!!" Or something like that. xD But I like having someone to talk to all of the time. You're one of my best friends, too. I think. It's hard to compare online friends to real life friends...eh, whatever, you're an awesome person. =D
    Ahhh I've mostly finished the first tiny little bit of A Divide. Tiny bit, like, 1 and 1/2 chapters, but still. And I really wanna share it, but it's 17 pages on Microsoft Word. =/ Any suggestions on how to get it to you? Or do you mind having the longest PM in history?
    ...Guess I can't top that. xD But hey, it doesn't matter online. =D


    Yeah, I sometimes can't be understood - but me, because I often talk extremely quickly, even when I don't mean to. And according to my dad I mumble. =/


    xD You make me laugh. Sure, I like hearing about marks. =)
    Names like that annoy me. Like, ones that are from your first and middle names, like JC and TJ and stuff. I dunno, they don't roll off the tongue and don't feel like proper names to me. Yes, I am odd.

    In concern to your PM...just a teeny bit scarred. Not too much.

    I'm a lot like I am online...offline I'm more socially inept, but online I'm more shy and hesitant. And a bit odder, I suppose...plus I don't talk about writing. But mostly, what you read is what you get. =)
    Oh really!

    *suspicious glare*

    You are just afraid of our youthful willpowe. If really thought you could do that, you would adcept!
    And there's the inferiority complex. Jeese, you were doing so well.

    Now I feel like I want to gush someting meaninful, but I know it would be slurred by my jumbled tired emontions. Pkwy. And I don't no why?

    Care to join our contest? Or no?
    ...Yeah, I guess you do have a point. And forget the reason is what I also am doing.

    Now do they teach you any theories in that college of yours? Can numbers ever get too high or too low?
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