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  • im usually not hyper

    and usually soda or any caffinated thing doesnt make my hyper, but when im really tired---it does :D

    Mwehhehheh. Akwardness aproaching.

    I know that there should be nothing to be ashamed of, on princiaple. But where omi and I come from, even gayness is exciled, even by the most Intelectual of people. And the thought of finding and imaginary creature sexy...

    I don't know. Say something about the subject so that I may also.
    he seems hyper...i need a soda.....

    mwa haha i have dr. peper---and it has caffine!!!!!!
    I don't know if I should ask why that would be unsafe...<.<

    Last time I checked, I was a pokephile also. Just not, um, an active one. Who got really creeped out and ran away from the forum when everyone was all "Don't be like that."

    ...Strangers mom, that made me laugh out loud. I wonder why it's so hilareous? Heh, probably because you wrote it.

    So what are you else doing besides talking to me?
    That's just... Abosolutely ridiculous. Why are they doing that (if it's not too personal?)
    Weird. So I changed your life (well, your 'net life at least) by stumbling across TCoD and makig an account so I could get help with the Clue Game. Wow. Life is cool.

    Junior? *snickers* Be very glad you're not named that. xD

    Chocolate is good. Money is good. Therefore money + chocolate = great! ^^ But I feel bad for your friend...mean letters on Christmas are very bad. $50 wouldn't be much help.
    Awww, poor Skroy's friend. If his family are going to be jerks, I honestly...

    If you think it would help, tell him I'm in support of him. That story riles
    me up just hearing it.
    That's awesome! I would totally start voting if it being sent to my house didn't make it blantantly obvious that I'm on Pokemon sites and I'm talking to strangers. Heh. But seriously, that's really awesome.

    Do you thik it'd be possible to somehow send you my Japanese Rosseta stone over the Internet?
    Hmm. I don't want to be offensive(I can't follow these links, btw), btu I don't really like the Umbreon one.

    Every person has his/her likings.
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