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  • Last night I spent an hour and a half organising and moving around my video games. All in one cabinate. It shouldn't take an hour and a half to organise a small cabinate. O_o

    Belive me, you're not the only one. -.-;;;;;;;
    I actually haven't really taken a thorough look at it yet. I looked at the description, and read the first chapter, and you've got me interested. Now it's just a matter of me getting off my lazy butt to read it.

    Not to mention, I've been obsessed with looking for decent Romance fics, since I'm such a sucker for the fluffy stuff, with pairings that I like (YurixJudith! Whoo!), like the typical Espeon and Umbreon romance (I've found two good ones. One's not finished yet though), and then I've also been reading... Probably some of the best Pokemon fanfics I've ever read. Ever heard of the authors Theo "Blitz" Leung, and nightdragon0?

    I've actually considered writing my own Pokemon fic, since I've got my own characters I'd love to use, but I fear that my writing ability can't extend much further outside of RPing... Instead, I've just sorta been working on my original "Tales" universe... Which is a little more personal, but I like showing my characters to people xD But yeah, I'll read your fic as soon as I have time, or I'm not feeling lazy.
    Bye bye
    You're welcome. =)
    Yeah I guess I wouldn't need an FF.net account but bleh... feels better reviewing it here somehow lol. Hmm... well, suspense is hard. The idea of suspense is to create tension that the reader wants resolved. That may be a basic definition, but it's good to keep in mind. With suspense in fiction, it's good to hide some of the details from the reader, yet to leave one or two behind that leave a hint of doubt as to the character's situation. Sort of like a glint of hope I suppose... So I'm no expert at writing fiction or anything, but I'm gonna try to help you figure it out... maybe it'll help me out too. xD

    I might submit an original character if I can think of one that I A)don't intend to use for my own series, or that series has been cancelled, B)is actually decent =P and C)obviously, is Pokémon-based. I'll see what I can come up with...

    You said the OC's will face off with the main group, so... should it be like a villian character, or is it going to be more like a "misunderstanding" kinda fight? xD
    Never had chicken noodle soup or... anything that involves chicken in liquid?

    What'c ya private messaging?
    <.< Yeah. I trust TCoD's many pages to shield the forums on the history page.

    ...And is it just me, or does chicken broth taste great when drank straight?
    I'm afraid I just don't have the time to do it any more. When I get on the main computer (with no parental locks) my parents hover over me and found it suspicious on how I was going on various pokemon websites and taking notes.

    On my computer, sure I can code, but not much else.
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