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  • I'm so sorry but I really need a shitty two-paragraph reffing right now on vs. Arylett D:!
    sreservoir is kicking major ass on Chief Zackrai, so I'll feel underwhelmed enough to take on another battle probably the time I stop having a shit-ton of homework. Feel free to ask if you need it haha
    I don't know, MF said he was making it 2's so that the battle would last longer, so I would think that means one at a time.
    I uh ... I don't really care ... I hate my voice so I can never tell if it's decent or not. I'd be willing to do terezi or vriska though. the crazy bitches.
    Calculations are done!

    I actually didn't notice that until just now. Anyway, I'm actually not that big of a fan of sheer force as an ability; I prefer the hope of a lucky poisoning or burn than an extra few points of damage. I have the same line of thinking with hustle; I have a deino in-game and it's horrible training her. Currently she's just dumped in the daycare center. Well, when you do you'll be rejoicing over the ridiculous gen. I movepool. As a nidoking he can learn pay day! Although I think I'll refrain ffrom using him as a nidoking for a while.
    I'll try to at least get the calculations; going to the zoo today so I might not finish until later.

    Anyway, I see you have a nidoran male! Nidoking are insanely awesome in ASB, so. Good pick!
    If you want to change a signature move, you may do so up to once per evolution at any time. So you should be fine, unless you already changed her signature move at least once when she was a beautifly. If she (or any other pokémon) ever doesn't have a signature move, you can add one at any time.
    Okay. I'll be doing this. Eventually! I'm on paragraph ten right now.

    Yeah, I guess so.

    ... Hey, would you mind like making a super short reffing so that I can post lazy commands and wait until Arylett gets DQed in our battle? I really want the experience (and also the winner's money a little), so a draw would just be boring. Especially considering none of us would get any money at all.
    Good. I suppose I should prepare the place then. (Sorry I wasn't on today. Was watching things with my sister. I will be tommorow.)
    ... He's been bragging about winning?

    Oh, it's on now. This is my serious face; I will be completing this.
    Sure! I'll just sign up now (probably can't edit it until tomorrow, though). Can you link me to the page when it's made?

    (Not entirely sure what to say considering the whole "worst possible time in my life" thing, but congratulations? Hopefully things go well.)

    EDIT: Apparently someone around my area is a troper? ?_? When I tried to make an account it said there's already someone with my IP address. >I
    I'd much prefer if you ignored my horrible reffing speed in your battle!

    But I can totally whip up a battle with LotF if you want! (revengeee)
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