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  • :D

    I am practicing reffing my madeup fake battle rounds :D. did one and am now doing one that takes place on the moon~~
    But I'm just Eri!

    *| will not accept it. :P*

    *Shrug* I don't know; I don't see why <these> would be a problem on FF.Net but if I remember correctly they are. So.

    If I'm doing any serious comic reading, I'm going to go through Problem Sleuth.

    (Although I'm still having silly trouble; I hate status conditions. >|)

    ((Will do! There are more refs nominated now and I have a feeling Squorn's going to win but whatevs.))

    (((Ouch, sorry. At least it's gone /now/, right?)))

    ---I'm not supposed to be misspelling "separate" how dumb am I---

    Woo! :)

    Oh. Well, it'll probably be just fine; I'm sure if they suggest something stupid you can get out of it.

    :| You shouldn't be suprised! Remember, everyone here likes you.

    (... I'd say I'd get to that, but I actually can't finish it until tomorrow. Not enough time.)

    Sorry :(


    Uh, yeah, I think it would be okay. If you meant to do two separate flashes and not one really bright one, the attack is probably fast enough that you could get two in while running a ring around the target.
    Not a problem... much. I do understand you having life problems and I'm totally okay with it, but don't keep us waiting and ask for an e-ref next time ;)
    Yup. It would be difficult to use ancientpower from the air anyway, since there are no rocks nearby.
    But I'm just Eri!

    *| assure you it is not one. :P*

    Hmm. Maybe it's a formatting thing? I've heard they had a problem at fanfiction.net (though I now lurk at AO3 more due to it having Homestuck fanfiction) that erased symbols.

    Hmm. I've understood *most* of it by browsing the wiki (spoiled to oblivion by Silver's old mafia game), but a reread would be helpful. I think I'll be putting my time to use by writing reffings and getting caught up with things, though. It seems more productive.

    (Just did! I have a Thing about not claiming e-reffings until I do all the calculations necessary; it helps with doing them quicker when I know all I have to do is stop being lazy and write.)

    ((Yep :D! Now, to be fair, should we vote for ourselves [assuming no one else gets nominated, which is unlikely but a possibility], each other, or not at all?))

    (((Bad Idea there. >> I've tried alcohol before; completely disgusting. I doubt I've been able to choke down more than one swallow.)))

    ---Seperate VM---

    Welcome, I guess. :3 I'm just glad this is helping!

    Why do you hate therapists? I haven't had any personal experiences with them, so I have no idea why people seem to hate them.

    I just feel relieved that I could help.

    (Now to finish the end of round things and then write!)

    I'm so sorry about all that...

    Um. I agree with getting a therapist; it really sounds like things are bad and need to be changed. Starting with school sounds best, though; if your parents really are that terrible then obviously talking with them first is not the best idea.

    Just don't kill yourself. Everyone here cares about you, and commiting suicide will not help things at all. You can't change things when you're dead.

    I'm really, really terrible with advice, sorry. :( It probably sounds like I'm just repeating what everyone else said but I really do care. Hopefully things get better; when you're considering suicide you really do need to change things.

    (Working on your battle right now.)
    I'm a wwizard?!

    *|\|o! |^lease no. :P*

    The first chapter! It's a good fic, although sometimes I'm not really sure what's happening. Not in a mystery way, just a not-entirely-sure-what's-happening way.

    I suppose so! :O Although I've began to obsess over a few silly lyric-swaps. (THIS IS TEREZI. <3)

    (... I probably shouldn't say so, considering my horrible failure at double-battle reffing last time [and the fact I was just about to pick up another e-reffing], but I still feel sort of guilty about that so I'll do it. I don't need anything in particular; the only pokemon I'd be buying around now would be far too expensive to comfortably ask you to buy and otherwise I'm concentrating on evolving my spoink. So thanks but no thanks!)

    ((You too~ I'm just incredibly happy about getting nominated twice [not to mention Glace and I actually collaborated on that arena], so even if I don't win I'm still happy. This'll be interesting!))
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