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  • I'm a wwhat, Kan?!

    *| don't want this to become another conversation battle. xD*

    Oh, okay. I'll read it in a sec. *Too lazy right now for no reason at all

    Oh, okay. That's rather odd of me, though. I tend to obsess over things.
    Caption wizardry?

    *()h well. |f it went on forever it would become far too long.*

    Oh, okay. I'm just wondering how it would go on somewhere like Archive Of Our Own.

    ... Is it odd that I haven't noticed while being preoccupied with BtSdLb (it updates every day) and Promstuck? Because I honestly haven't 0_0

    Crazy Linoone just asked me if I wanted him to continue e-reffing the tag battle, so if you don't want to keep on just ask him!
    I assume by now it's safe to reply, even if you didn't edit in a response. *Shrug* There's always the next VM.

    Actually, no! Although looking at it that caption fits both avatars well.
    OK. It's gone, and I'm sorry for any grievance through which I may have caused you to suffer.
    Still don't understand how having a battle in the natural disaster makes it any less of a big deal. However, I never understand things like this, so I'll scrape it on the condition that you provide another original arena on which to hold the battle.
    What I don't understand is how having a battle in the hurricane will provoke those who have not gotten over it. I regret the fact that I am sounding insensitive; I can't word this much better, though.
    I don't really understand what the concern is about - is it because there exist victims of the storm? If so, I feel their loss - I really do - but don't see how having a fictional battle in the hurricane will make their situation worse. Thank you for your concern, though.

    Oh. Well, she can't have the same relationships with everyone! Although hate is still fun...

    I don't think I can plug in a keyboard with a DSi. xD

    (They do. *Nodnod* Cheerca [weird name but I was trying to fit in only "Rebecca"] isn't going to start out like that at first, I think. I think "Sora's Sacrifice" would work perfectly for Cheerca/Rebecca confronting/denying the fact that she has problems and needs to fight the Heartless. I guess so.)

    ((|s (oroxn going to post it somewhere? ()r is it just going to be a short little thing?))
    You typ3 with four and fiv3? o: I typ3 with on3 and thr33, thr33 rep1ac3s 'e' and on3 rep1ac3s 'l' so I'm b3ing difficu1t with p3op13 and mak3 it hard to und3rstand :D
    Yeah. *Mandatory*

    Okay, good. Well, there's only a few pages compared to Sanctic. xD Where are you, exactly? My latest post sows the seeds needed for that sort of thing; if it does happen it'll be a slow procession of insanity that skyrockets when Angel gives Beauty the Deep Sea Orb. Do you know about that already? Hmm, that's too bad. It seems that most of the active people here are either neutral or allied with Angel. Which can lead to some interesting interactions, but Beauty can't hate everyone.

    Yeah, pretty much. Although it's made up for with the fact that it takes forever to type.

    (Hm... I think a one of these could fit for a her repressed sadness thing. I haven't found that many truly upbeat ones yet, but Kairi's theme seems pretty fitting if you factor in the naivety thing and sadness. Hmmm... good point. We could call Rebecca that, but she's delusional so Siol might have to take that title!)

    ((|-|mm. \_/\_/ell, | think that does sound fairly amusing. |-|owever, it seems like an extremely small audience for a fic. |\|ot that many people like self-inserts.))
    In that case, I'll try to get as much sleep as possible.

    I've been becoming more and more indifferent to free time lately, so I guess that's a good thing.
    Oh, sorry. :( I don't have much to say to that, really. It must be annoying being the one person who doesn't wake up.

    So, would a Keyflashlight work? Where the light can only hurt Heartless and can also be used as a melee weapon if need be? I know. I got a reply in yesterday; I'm planning on having Ugly becoming a separate personality from Beauty (which was Doc Scratch's idea, almost a year ago Beauty's first RP). I might have Ugly become allied with Angel and Beauty with Rafael, but to do that I really should tell Coroxn. So. Who's your character and their alliance going to be?

    I must agree with that. :D I'm not entirely sure what the exact limit is, but with a VM I posted on the DSi that I had to split in half the character count turned out 2,073 with spaces. So, it's probably 2,075.

    (I never really found a perfect one for Rebecca, sadly. Maybe if I look around the Kingdom Hearts ones I'll find something, or figure it out during round two. Thinking about it, Psy and Siol are probably the most normal ones in the group.)

    ((| was never good with creating trolls. :O However, if | did mine would probably type normally, except using normal +hings such as /these/ to [-mphasize things. +hey would probably use symbols instead of capital letters.))
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