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  • Thats weird....my other newest comment didn't get in.O_o;

    Thrift shop. I got it at the thrift shop for only....2 dollors. XD Its kind of funny, no one seems to wear dresses anymore, yet, you can still kind of find them insanely cheap....

    That said, in case they DO ever end up seriously raising in value, though, i'm gonna try to take good care of my dresses. Luckily, i'm good with a sewing needle, should they ever tear or anything.. :)
    Yeah, I do. Espesally for more competitive settings like random matchups and battle tower xD;

    Really innocent looking cute ones espesally appel to me. Like...the Hoppip line :) I love grass types and plants in genneral, really^^ I still can barely believe I picked Torchic over Treecko on Sapphire version when I was younger. XD; But then I remember how cute Torchic was and I guess its only understandable.

    Torchic is one of the cutest fire types ever. :) But my favorite fire type is Victini^^ It's like the cloest thing to an offishal fire type version of Pikachu so far and its sooo adorable and angelic looking^^ But I think I really like Torchic, too. Torchic is awesome~
    I bought myself a new dress yesterday! I'm wearing it right now :) It's a really warm wintery knit^^ Kind of sweater like^^
    Yeah, I love Pikachu and Jirachi, although, they aren't really my favs anymore. But they were when I came up with this name about 8 years ago. XD; Yes, 8 years now. I know...

    I love a lot of pokemon XD But my favorites tend to be cute ones :3 The cute ones are just so awesome to me XD I always liked them the best really~<3
    Hi Spoon :3 Whuzzup? :3 wanna play some forum games with me, maybe? :3

    Also; its almost christmas woo^^ I hope your wishes come true as well^^
    Mewkitty is still a pokemon fan? Yay! :D *cheer's* Awesomest news yet x)

    I might rest again soon. Feeling kinda sicky today x.o;
    (i'm sorry if that pm itself caused any trouble....just so you know, yeah, my aspergers is a pretty big part of why it toke me so long to join up on this newer forum :/)
    Don't worry about that pm I sent you. I too am an aspie and I shouldn't send pms like that anymore....said person mensioned in the pm is an aspie too and I did tell him not to cause any trouble if he joins here. Hopefully he has okay enouth listening skills..

    I really gotta drop my over active concience. Forever :/ Regardless of life situation...
    I think i'm gonna start logging out now xD; Before i'm too tired to write out my wish list. Cya tomarrow new friend! :3 *wavies*^^
    I guess but not really a lot of stuff i'm satisfied getting can be gotten around the neighberhood, really....and i'm already getting that Kingdom Hearts game I really wanted xD;

    I'm 22 now anyways. I'm not as into 'getting' things anymore...'giving' feels more importent to me now. :3

    Sweet. Your like me, then. Who knows~~Maybe you saw some of my old n00b posts. XD; I feel sorry for you to have to read those ahahahahaha we were all so young then though. XD;

    Reasonably so.
    I've been lurking TCoD since 2003-2004. XD; So I kind of have a nastalgiac history here. Used to be a n00b on an older forums but time passed and I matured now. So I finally disided to join this newer forum today. Very nice place so far. :3

    Care to play some forum games with me? x3;...I might logout soon, though. xD; To work on my wish list a bit lol.
    Its a pleasure to meet you~*curtsy* Care to be friends? :3...i'm some weird girl who's nice to befriend on forums and stuff. XD;
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